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Above all, we have made the American people conscious of their interrelationship and their interdependence. They sense a common destiny and a common need of each other. Differences of occupation, geography, race and religion no longer obscure the nation's fundamental unity in thought and in action.

This change in the colour he attributed to the diminished intensity of bodily combustion, due, he believed, to the higher temperature of the tropics. Scarcely had this thought passed through his mind than it induced another that of a universal interrelationship between all possible forms of energy.

It was this abiding interrelationship between electorate and representatives which was the strength of the Virginia political system. The gentry extolled republicanism not only because it seemed the right and just attitude but also because it worked. The small farmers and slaveholders acted as a restraint upon any tendency toward oligarchy which the gentry might have entertained.

As do many other writers, he identifies fire worship with sex worship, and the following short paragraph shows his conception of their interrelationship, as well as the significance of the upright of antiquity. They bespoke, wherever found and in whatever age, the idea of the First Principle or the male generative emblem."

A reconciliation and proof of the interrelationship between the Mystical and the Concrete. By manipulation of symbols he explains everything by absolute logic." "He proves nothing about nothing," Jason said emphatically. "He plays word games. He takes a word, gives it an abstract and unreal value, then proves this value by relating it to other words with the same sort of nebulous antecedents.

On the next page some essays were written about the value of art, about its future, about the interrelationship of individual arts, about the architecture of literary style, about the new primitives who, according to Mueller, would bring about a victorious revolution in the life of art. The essays almost filled the notebook. Mr.

This is proof that the emotions of the individual can be changed by the ideas he builds up about himself. Dr. The entire field of psychosomatic medicine, which deals with the interrelationship between body and mind, has as one of its basic tenets that suggestion not only can cause psychological personality disorders, but many physical disorders as well.

They became sort of cultural specialists, digging deep into the philosophical aspects of interrelationship the thing that machine societies never have had time for. Of course this was ready-made for the Cultural Relationships Foundation, and we have been working with them ever since. Not guiding so much as protecting them from any blows that might destroy this growing idea.

We are here concerned with a clinical study, and therefore, among other tasks, with the interrelationship of symptoms, but for that purpose it is necessary to point out how these ideas seen in stupor can be shown to have, not only a connection amongst each other, when viewed as deep-seated human strivings, but also are closely related to, or identical with, ideas found in mythology.

They include more widespread understanding among business men of many changes which world conditions and technological improvements have brought to our economy over the last twenty years changes in the interrelationship of price and volume and employment, for example changes of the kind in which business men are now educating themselves through excellent opportunities like the so-called "monopoly investigation."