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Above all, we have made the American people conscious of their interrelationship and their interdependence. They sense a common destiny and a common need of each other. Differences of occupation, geography, race and religion no longer obscure the nation's fundamental unity in thought and in action.

The real nature of the complex stuff of life they were seeking to work in is revealed to them its intricate and delicate fiber, and the subtle, secret interrelationship of its parts and they work circumspectly, lest they should mar more than they mend.

The real nature of the complex stuff of life they were seeking to work in is revealed to them its intricate and delicate fiber, and the subtle, secret interrelationship of its parts and they work circumspectly, lest they should mar more than they mend.

As do many other writers, he identifies fire worship with sex worship, and the following short paragraph shows his conception of their interrelationship, as well as the significance of the upright of antiquity. They bespoke, wherever found and in whatever age, the idea of the First Principle or the male generative emblem."

They include more widespread understanding among business men of many changes which world conditions and technological improvements have brought to our economy over the last twenty years changes in the interrelationship of price and volume and employment, for example changes of the kind in which business men are now educating themselves through excellent opportunities like the so-called "monopoly investigation."

On both sides a firsthand knowledge of the aims and objects and methods of work of all the forces at work in a given community and a perception of their interrelationship is essential if we wish to do away with the present tendency to duplicate work which is already being carried on by more effective agencies.

It was necessary for Gibbs to speak up pretty smartly to get his remarks into Hunka-munka's consciousness. Once in the heat of things we heard him say: "One may not really compare or contrast the literary emanations of Tolstoy and Kipling except as to the net human residuum. Difference in environment would preclude any cosmic psychology of interrelationship."

At the first stage, ether, which in itself has a purely peripheral orientation, becomes linked to some all-relating point; at the second stage, the various ether-activities, already point-related, are brought into some characteristic interrelationship so as to become the cause of a particular formative action in the material realm; at the third stage, the etheric aggregate thus organized receives the impulse to link itself with some particular portion of ponderable matter.

It may be mentioned here, as is clearly appreciated from what has been said before, that there is an interrelationship between the tics on the one hand and the symptoms which we discover in the psychoneuroses, psychoses and the mentally unstable on the other. Were I to take up any one of the tics as an illustration, this general idea could be applied very nicely.

Following the reasoning that the subconscious mind can be affected, you can see that a problem could present itself even though the subject consciously wishes to be hypnotized. Unconsciously, there may be a poor interrelationship with the hypnotist which can create an unfavorable climate for hypnosis.