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It was God gave you to me, or how could I love you so? And the mistress winna believe that even I had a bairnie! Noo she'll be sayin I killt my bonny wee man! And yet, even for his sake, I never ance wisht ye hadna been born! And noo, whan the father o' 'im's ill, and cryin oot for me, they winna lat me near 'im!" The last words left her lips in a wailing shriek.

To t'ink dat one so young, too, would go on de sly to de rum-bottle! But where you kin find 'im's more'n I kin tell." "I have not been at the rum-bottle at all," returned the middy, resting on his spade, "but I have had something to raise my spirits and brace my energies, and take me out of myself. Come, let us go to the bower, and I will explain that is, if we may safely go there." "Go whar?"

To look at 'im's enough. It just sets my inn'ards all of a 'eave and a rumble, and I 'ave to take a little drop o' something warm to settle 'em again." "Damnation!"

"Bill Jones, an' 'im's Sammie Robinson," replied Cleek quickly. "I'm much obliged to yer, sir. Any one know where we kin get a shake-down for the night? Time enough ter look for lodgin's termorrer." It was the barmaid's turn to speak, and she rested her rather heavy person against the bar and touched Cleek's shoulder. "Mother, she 'as lodgers, dearie," she said in a coaxing voice.

"Anybody who would enter a neighbor's house in the dead of night and try to rob him rob him, yes, and murder him in the most brutal fashion would not scruple to steal his own grandchild!" "Me's gwanpa," whispered Shaver, gripping The Hopper's hand, "an' 'im's mad." That Mr. Talbot was very angry indeed was established beyond cavil. However, Mr.

"Nick's a cobbler, sir, boots and shoes, ladies' and gents', and a very good cobbler 'e is too, although a cripple wiv a game leg. Me and 'im's pals, sir, and though we 'as our little turn-ups 'count of 'im coming it so strong agin the Quality, I'm never very 'ard on 'im 'count of 'is crutch, d'ye see, sir." "What do you mean by the 'Quality, Imp?"