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The snow lay thick upon the ground, and upon the branches of the trees: the frost kept snapping the little twigs on either side of them, as they passed: and when they came to the Mountain- Torrent she was hanging motionless in air, for the Ice-King had kissed her. So cold was it that even the animals and the birds did not know what to make of it.

We shall also observe that the snow has now a variety of markings on its surface; which might lead us to fancy, had we not known better, that it had once been a river, which, while raging down to the sea with all its curling rapids and whirling eddies, had been arrested in all instant by the ice-king and frozen solid, in fact, it has all the graceful lines and forms of fluidity, with all the steady, motionless aspect of solidity.

There are the troops of the Rhine troops that have conquered a fairer river than our Artibonite, storming the castles on her steeps, and crowning themselves from her vineyards. There are the troops of the Alps troops that have soared above the eagle, and stormed the clouds, and plucked the ice-king by the beard upon his throne.

Brooklets, waterfalls, rivers, all were held fast by the ice-king. Simon was much impressed by the scenery. The great giant mountains towering up on every hand were a revelation to him, and he stood open-mouthed, gazing at what is perhaps among the grandest sights in France. We swept through Mont Cenis Tunnel, and then, with a cry of gladness, we entered the sunny land of Italy.

The result was, that while in winter, with our dog-trains, we could go anywhere the terrible ice-king freezing everything solid from the lakes and rivers to the great quaking bogs in summer, we were confined to those trips which could be only made by the birch-bark canoe: in no other way could the Gospel he carried to these people.

I little thought then of the distance before me; of the intense cold through which I was destined to travel during two entire months of most rigorous winter; how day by day the frost was to harden, the snow to deepen, all nature to sink more completely under the breath of the ice-king.

Toronto and the Transit The ice and its innovations Siege and storm of a Fortalice by the Ice-king Newark, or Niagara Flags, big and little Views of American and of English institutions Blacklegs and Races Colonial high life Youth very young.

And, just as patiently as in those days he had told her of these things, he now repeated other tales the winds whispered to his topmost boughs, tales of the ocean in the East, the prairies in the West, the ice-king in the North, and the flower-queen in the South.

When the leaves have fallen and before yet the Ice-king is here, there come, for a little while, the calm dreamy days, when the Great Spirit is smoking His pipe, and the smoke is on the land. The Red-men call them the Smoking Days, but we call it Indian Summer. Things to See in Wintertime The North Star, or the Home Star

Other people's noses are rudely assailed by the sharp fingers of the grim ice-king, but not my lady's; other people's lips turn pale and blue with the chilling influence of the bitter weather, but my lady's pretty little rosebud of a mouth retained its brightest coloring and cheeriest freshness.