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Desmond, watching him narrowly, saw him salaam deeply as he went on board. "Salaam, huzur!" said Hubbo. "Your Excellency will pardon me, but bismillah! I have just discovered a matter of importance.

Our task, huzur, has lain much on my mind; we have never done anything of the sort before, and seeing on yonder petala a man I know well, who has spent many years on the kala pani, I ventured to ask if he knew what time would be needed to sink a ship with several holes drilled in the hull." "That depends on the size of the holes, fool!" said the subahdar with a snort.

Half an hour later, Hubbo climbed up through the hatchway and approached the subahdar, who was pacing the deck, giving many an anxious glance down the river. "The mistri has bored another hole, huzur. He said the more holes the better. Perhaps your Excellency will deign to see whether you regard it as sufficient."

You will go to Bombay and learn these things of which I am in ignorance and come again and tell me. I will then set you free." "I cannot do it, huzur." Desmond's reply came without a moment's hesitation. To act as a spy upon his own countrymen how could Angria imagine that an English boy would ever consent to win his freedom on such terms? His simple words roused the Maratha to fury.

"True, huzur; that is what the serang said. But he went on to tell me of a case like your Excellency's. His ship was once captured by the pirates of the Sandarbands. They drilled several holes in the hull, and rowed away, leaving my friend and several of the crew to sink with the vessel. But the holes were not big enough.

"'Your servant Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti," he said slowly, aloud. "Who is Surendra Nath Chuckerbutti?" he asked his man, standing behind. "Truly, huzur, I know not. It is a common name in Bengal a vile Hindu; an unbeliever " "How did this paper come here?" cried Diggle impatiently. "How should I know, sahib? I am a poor man, an ignorant man; I do not read "

No, Diggle sahib, if I take him I must have some allowance off the price. In truth, I will not take him unless you send me from your vessel a dozen good muskets. That is my word." "Still, huzur " began Diggle, but Angria cut him short with a gesture of impatience. "That is my word, I say. Shall I, Tulaji Angria, dispute with you? I will have twenty muskets, or you may keep the boy."

"This, huzur, is my friend," said Hubbo, presenting his brother. "This is the mistri, and this his assistant." "Good!" said the subahdar. "Go down into the hold, mistri: look to the holes; if they are not large enough make them larger, and as quickly as you can." Desmond with Karim dived down into the hold.

Diggle shrugged and smiled. "Very well, huzur. You drive a hard bargain; but it shall be as you say. I will send a chit to the captain, and you shall have the muskets before the ship sails." Angria made a sign to one of his attendants. The man approached Desmond, took him by the sleeve, and signed for him to come away. Desmond threw a beseeching look at Diggle, and said hurriedly: "Mr.

The Pirate spoke quickly, imperiously. "I have done my best, huzur," replied Desmond in Urdu. "That is well. Now harken to what I say. You would earn your freedom?" "I am in your august hands, huzur," said Desmond diplomatically. "You may earn your freedom in one way," continued Angria in the same rapid, impatient tone.