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There were two markedly different sides of his nature; she trembled before one; before the other she gave homage as she did to Travers, to John Boswell, and Master Farwell. The day before, Huntter had had a long talk with Doctor Hapgood while she was off duty. That conversation had doubtlessly caused the bad night; she wondered about it now. It had evidently upset Huntter a good deal.

Ledyard, Huntter stands so high in public esteem that to start such a story as this about him would be to ruin my own reputation." "No. The thing's got to die," Ledyard mused. "Die at its birth." "Die in my girl's heart! Good God! Ledyard, you ought to see her after the one night! It wrings my heart. It isn't as if the slander had killed her love for him. It hasn't; it has strengthened it.

"I wonder if things would not seem plainer if they saw them together?" But Priscilla saw she had gone too far. The whimsical mood in Huntter had passed. He was himself again, and she was his nurse his nurse who knew too much! More fretfully than he had ever spoken to her, he said: "I wish to be alone, Miss Glynn."

Suppose you went to Margaret Moffatt. You know her proud, sensitive nature; her loyalty and absolute frankness. After the shock and torture she would go to her father with the truth for she would believe you and announce her unwillingness I am sure, even though her heart broke, she would do this to marry Huntter.

She did not notice the rigid figure by the bowl of flowers; her radiant face was fixed upon Huntter, and she ran toward him with outstretched arms. "My beloved!" she whispered. "Oh! my dear, my dear! How ill you have been! They did not tell me. I shall never forgive them. When did you get back from Bermuda?"

Gentlemen do not trick ladies." He frowned a bit. "Don't they, Mr. Huntter?" "Certainly not! What I meant was this: You seem, for a trained woman, very human and and well, what shall I say? observing and rather a thoroughbred. If you loved, now, loved really, is there anything you would not forgive a man? That is, if his love for you was the biggest thing in his life?"

You remember what you told me, before Margaret Moffatt announced her engagement?" "Yes." Ledyard poured himself a glass of wine and walked to his chair across the room. "You were wrong; he is not what you think." "What do you mean? I haven't seen Huntter for for a year or more. I took care, sacred care, though, to to trace him from the time he first came to me, more than ten years ago.