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Also he was curious; he wished to see if there was any bottom to such a woman's desire for luxury, if it would not bring satiety with it. But Lady Honoria was a very bad subject for such an experiment. She never showed the least sign of being satiated, either with fine things, with pleasures, or with social delights.

No need to ask favours. No compliments. It is true she felt awkward in the presence of women, not quite the same, even with Honoria. But with men. What a difference! She felt she had never really known men before. At first the frank speech, the expletives, the smoking-room stories made her a little uncomfortable and occasionally called forth an irrepressible blush.

Such were those savage ancestors, whose imaginary virtues have sometimes excited the praise and envy of civilized ages. Part III. Neither the spirit, nor the forces, nor the reputation, of Attila, were impaired by the failure of the Gallic expedition In the ensuing spring he repeated his demand of the princess Honoria, and her patrimonial treasures.

Now, as often before, it struck Honoria that a very exquisite spiritual quality was present in her aspect her whole bearing and expression betraying, less the languor and defeat of physical illness, than the exhaustion of long sustained moral effort, followed by the calm of entire self-dedication and renunciation of will.

A messenger had gone on before, and in a few minutes the squire, Mrs. Lavington, and the girls, were round the bed of their old retainer. They sent off right and left for the doctor and the vicar; the squire was in a frenzy of rage and grief. 'Don't take on, master, don't take on, said old Harry, as he lay; while the colonel and Honoria in vain endeavoured to stanch the wound.

"What do you mean?" asked Honoria, more and more mystified every moment by her companion's words. For the first time, an awful fear took possession of her, and she began to perceive that she was the victim of a foul and villanous plot. "What do you mean?" she repeated, in accents of alarm.

All was inexplicable! the only thing she could surmise, with any semblance of probability, was that the whole was some frolic of Lady Honoria Pemberton, who had persuaded Delvile to send her the dog, and perhaps assured him she had herself requested to have him.

But levity is so much the fashionable characteristic of the present age, that a gay young girl who, like Lady Honoria Pemberton, rules the friends by whom she ought to be ruled, had little chance of escaping it." "She seems so open, however, to reproof," said Cecilia, "that I should hope in a short time she may also be open to conviction."

If I'd your natural advantages in the way of locomotion, I wouldn't be so slow of using them " He looked up, and slipped back into a sitting position hastily. "Oh, mother, I thought you had gone!" he exclaimed, almost sharply. And to Katherine, overstrung as she was, the words came as a rebuke. "My dearest, I won't keep you," she said. "I only came back to ask you about Honoria St. Quentin."

"Oh, you delightful person!" said his wife. So they went to the jeweller's, and Lady Honoria bought ornaments to the value of L150, and carried them home and hung over them, as another class of woman might hang over her first-born child, admiring them with a tender ecstasy.