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As we said before, he generally appeared at large woodlands, into which he would ride with the hounds, plunging through the stiffest clay, and forcing his way through the strongest thickets, making observations all the while of the hazels, and the hollies, and the blackthorns, and, we are sorry to say, sometimes of the young oaks and ashes, that he thought would fashion into curious-handled walking-sticks; and these he would return for at a future day, getting them with as large clubs as possible, which he would cut into the heads of beasts, or birds, or fishes, or men.

'Why there, replied Miss Glitters, nodding towards a clump of evergreens. 'Well, under the hollies, rejoined Miss Glitters; adding, 'it was Captain Bouncey who said they were cedars. 'Ah, I meant those beyond, observed the captain, nodding in another direction. 'Well, never mind what they are, resumed the lady; 'let us have a dance under them.

They reached the place where the hollies grew, which was in a conical pit, so that the tops of the trees were not much above the general level of the ground. Thomasin stepped up into a fork of one of the bushes, as she had done under happier circumstances on many similar occasions, and with a small chopper that they had brought she began to lop off the heavily berried boughs.

Excepting the packing, everything went on much as usual, till the Thursday morning, and then the children were up early, refreshing the Christmas hollies, and working up their excitement, only to have it damped by the suppressed agitation of their elders at the breakfast-table. Dr. May did not seem to know what he was about; and Flora looked paler and paler.

The nurserymen are removing this difficulty by growing plants of all the hollies American, Japanese, English and Himalayan so that they may easily be set in the home grounds, with their handsome evergreen foliage and their berries of red or black. One spring, the season and my opportunities combined to provide a most pleasing feast of color in the tree quest.

"Everything that is good and beautiful." "Is Grant a Lothario?" "Excellent chap. Quarter of an hour before the murder he was giving Doris a lesson in astronomy in the garden of The Hollies." "Never heard it called that before." "This time the statement happens to be strictly accurate." "Honest Injun?" "I'm sure of it. If anything, the death of Adelaide Melhuish cleared the scales off their eyes.

The archery-ground was a carefully-kept enclosure on a bit of table-land at the farthest end of the park, protected toward the southwest by tall elms and a thick screen of hollies, which kept the gravel walk and the bit of newly-mown turf where the targets were placed in agreeable afternoon shade.

All the houses that had sprung up round Lake Wendouree had well-stocked spreading grounds; but Ocock's outdid the rest. The groom opening a pair of decorative iron gates which were the showpiece of the neighbourhood, Mahony turned in and drove past exotic firs, Moreton Bay fig-trees and araucarias; past cherished English hollies growing side by side with giant cacti.

From the fold of the hill in which they sat, sheltered both by the fell itself, and by the encircling hollies, they overlooked a branching dale, half veiled, and half revealed by sunny cloud.

How grandly the view opens as we ascend over that wild bank, overgrown with fern, and heath, and gorse, and between those tall hollies, glowing with their coral berries! What an expanse!