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On one of these the boat caught her heel, with a jerk that flung the two oarsmen sprawling and toppled Captain Hocken's tall hat over his nose. Mr Tregaskis thrust out a hand to catch it, but in too great a haste.

But we award him the prize all the same, because we don't consider Captain Hocken's ploughin' to be any ploughin' at all." Solvuntur risu tabulae They can laugh, too, at Troy!

"You might have known he's too soft to be teased. . . . Oh, be quiet, do, Palmerston! Think of your namesake!" A bell jangled overhead. "Captain Hocken's bell! and the child's face all blubbered, which he hates to see, while as for Captain Hunken there! it that isn't his bell going too in the adjoining! Palmerston, pull yourself together and be a man." "I c-can't, missus," sobbed Palmerston.

"Well, I always favoured Cap'n Hocken's chance, for my part. An', come to think, 'tis more fitty 't should happen so. When all's said an' done, t'other's a foreigner, as you might say, from the far side o' the Duchy: an' if old Bosenna's money is to go anywhere, why then, bein' Troy-earned, let it go to a Troy man." "But 'tis a facer for Cap'n Hunken, all the same. Poor chap, look at 'en."

She began with Captain Hunken, and found that, a dark lady happening in the "second house," he would certainly marry one of that hue, with plenty of money, and live happy ever after. She next attempted Captain Hocken's. "Well, that's funny, now!" she exclaimed, after dealing out the cards face uppermost. "What's funny?" asked Cai.

It was not for her to admit here that early in the day from an upper window she had been watching for Captain Hocken's approach, had witnessed it, had witnessed also the act of concealment, and had faithfully reported it to her mistress.

Hocken's recent book has at once become the recognised authority on the first years of Otago, and also has interesting chapters on the South Island before settlement. Fitzgerald's selections from Godley's writings and speeches is made more valuable by the excellent biographical sketch with which it opens. Dr.

Like Hocken's ducks, all of 'ee never happy unless you be where you baint. . . . I wonder if that Hocken was any relation S-sh! now! Talk of the devil!" Captain Cai and Fancy had spent a good hour-and-a-half in overhauling the two cottages. Their accommodation was narrow enough, but Captain Cai, after half a lifetime on shipboard, found them little short of palatial.

Dinah!" called Mrs Bosenna, and as Dinah appeared at the back door with a promptitude almost suspicious, "Run and fetch Captain Hocken's hat, girl! He has to catch a train." Dinah vanished, and in the twinkling of an eye came running with the hat; with a clothes-brush, too. "Confound her!"

I cannot see them. At this moment of clearer consciousness, his son, at Mr Hocken's request, asked him if he had joy in thinking of Jesus. He replied, `Yes, great joy." Mr Hocken has given the following account: "On Saturday evening, October 25th, Mr Haigh, Mrs Hocken and myself went from the Mission-house to see old Daniel. We found him lying on a mat, and covered with a white cloth.