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Considerable stress is laid upon the fact of the marked softness of the eyes after each operation. There were histological examinations made of the eyeballs in 11 cases, in which the position of the incision and excision, the development of the scar tissue, and the appearance of the complications were duly set forth.

This preference had in turn been contrasted with the fact that I was at the time of the dream called upon to spend much time studying histological specimens through the microscope. Incidentally, I told him that this was bad for my eyes, and likewise, I had complained that his dreams were not written out clearly enough to suit my purpose to study them carefully.

Between the humble-bee, and the honey-bee, for instance, the distance is great; and we pass from one to the other through a great number of intermediaries, which correspond to so many complications of the social life. But the same diversity is found in the functioning of histological elements belonging to different tissues more or less akin.

Now, so far as we can make out, the histological structure of our auditory centre is the same as that of our visual centre. The structure of the fibres and cells varies slightly in the motor and sensory regions, but no means have yet been discovered of perceiving a settled difference between the nerve-cells of the optic centre and those of the auditory centre.

Crile and his co-workers have shown that in surgical shock histological changes occur in the cells of the brain, the adrenals, and the liver, and that these are identical, whatever be the cause that leads to the exhaustion of the energy-transforming mechanism.

Enlargement of the neighbouring lymph glands does not necessarily imply that they have become infected with sarcoma for the enlargement may disappear after removal of the primary growth; actual infection of the glands, however, does sometimes occur, and in them the histological structure of the parent tumour is reproduced.

Both chemical and histological observations showed the abundant presence of starch in the green cells, and thus these planarians, and presumably also Hydra spongilla, etc., were proved to be truly "vegetating animals."

The Club meets at stated periods in the Histological Laboratory in the Medical Building, a fact in itself significant of the strong support the organization has always had from the Medical Faculty, and ordinarily listens to two papers, contributed by members.

This fact is of practical importance in nervous and mental diseases, since it is becoming an admitted truth that the histological changes in disease follow in an inverse order the developmental processes taking place in the embryo. Hence the recent physiological division of the nervous system by Dr.

The term may seem pedantic and histological, but it has the attraction to my mind of a reminiscence of student days. If I were to formulate my opinions upon style, I should say: "Imitations of other men's styles are bad, but a man's own style is good." There is a store of common literary finery, almost all of which is in constant use and has become familiar.