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Scops spilocephalus. The spotted Himalayan scops owl. Gyps himalayensis. The Himalayan griffon. Pseudogyps bengalensis. The white-backed vulture. Aquila helica. The imperial eagle. Hieraëtus fasciatus. Bonelli's eagle. Ictinaëtus malayensis. The black eagle. This is easily recognised by its dark, almost black, plumage. Spilornis cheela. The crested serpent eagle. Milvus govinda.

Athira sniffed the scent of the pines of her own hills, the wet Himalayan hills. 'It is good to be alive, said Athira. 'Hah! said Suket Singh. 'Where is the Kodru road and where is the Forest Ranger's house?... 'It cost forty rupees twelve years ago, said the Forest Ranger, handing the gun. 'Here are twenty, said Suket Singh, 'and you must give me the best bullets.

The Fur Fanciers' Association recognizes the following distinct breeds: Belgians, Flemish giants, Dutch marked, English, Himalayan, silvers, tans, Polish, lops, and Angoras. A rabbit hutch or coop is easily built from old packing boxes.

The call has been syllabised as kattak-kattak-kattak. Ceryle lugubris. The Himalayan pied kingfisher. Hornbills are to be numbered among the curiosities of nature. They are characterised by the disproportionately large beak. In some species this is nearly a foot in length. The beak has on the upper mandible an excrescence which in some species is nearly as large as the bill itself.

A striking feature of the great Himalayan barbet is its massive yellow bill, which is as large as that of some species of toucan. Although the bird displays a number of brilliant colours, it is not at all easy to distinguish from its leafy surroundings. It is one of those birds which are heard more often than seen. Barbets are never so happy as when listening to their own voices.

This is now a prevalent opinion, which is strengthened by the fact that so many more Himalayan plants are now ascertained to be European than had been supposed before they were compared with European specimens; such are the yew, Juniperus communis, Berberis vulgaris, Quercus Ballota, Populus alba and Euphratica, etc.

A white spruce, in rich luxuriance, measuring, as the branches trail upon the sward, upwards of sixty feet in circumference; the Himalayan white pine, with its deep fringe-like foliage, twenty-five feet in height; the Cephalonian fir, with leaves as pungent as an Auricaria, twenty feet high, and many specimens of the same kind of nearly equal magnitude; yews, of more than half a century's growth; a purple beech, of thirty feet in height, its branches as many in circumference, contrasting with the green around; numerous specimens of balm of Gilead, silver firs, and Norway spruces, unsurpassed in beauty of form, the last presenting every variety of habit in which it delights to sport: these are some of the gems of the lawn.

These, so conspicuous in the lofty Himalayan valleys, are not less so in those of the Swiss Alps: witness that broad valley in which Grindelwald village is situated, and which is covered to an immense depth with angular detritus, moulded into hills and valleys; also the whole broad open Upper Rhone valley, above the village of Munster, and below that of Obergestelen.

They had now finished with the Himalayan bears of known and unknown kinds; but Alexis learnt enough from hunters, whom they had encountered during their sojourn in these mountains, to convince him that great confusion exists among naturalists as to the different species and varieties that inhabit the Himalayan range.

Ominously quiet questions went up to the mahouts; and the mahouts were full-ready to answer! In the end, it sounded like a wild Himalayan chant about Neela Deo's great fight to save Gunpat Rao. The people listened patiently, till an inward meaning enlightened them. Then they exulted: "Neela Deo, Neela Deo, King of all elephants!"