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They spoke in German, because Dr Hegelmann had steadfastly refused to learn any language beyond his own. All his energies of learning had been focused on his one specialty. "I want to explain," said Rivière, "that Fraülein Verney is not well-to-do. She is, I believe, practically dependent on her profession."

For a week Elaine was to be in the surgical home receiving preliminary treatment, and then Dr Hegelmann was to operate on her right eye. For the left eye there was no hope. During the week of waiting, Rivière came twice a day to Elaine's bedside, to chat and read to her.

"Give me time to get details settled. Is Clifford in London?" "I don't know where he is." "I suppose I could get his address through Miss Verney?" "No doubt." "Where is she in Wiesbaden?" "With Dr Hegelmann." "Just one more question: are you a good sailor?" "Yes; but why? What a curious question!" Larssen smiled at her reassuringly. "You'll have to trust me a little.

His brown, grey-streaked beard was longer than customary and ragged in outline; his eyebrows projected like a sea-captain's; his almost bald head seemed to be stretched tight over a framework of knobs and bumps; his clothes were baggy and shapeless. But all these unessentials faded away from sight when Dr Hegelmann spoke.

But a nurse informed them decisively that Fraulein Verney could receive no visitors; the excitement of the afternoon had been too much for her slowly returning strength, and Dr Hegelmann had ordered her absolute quietude. To-morrow, perhaps, she might be allowed to receive her friends or perhaps the day after to-morrow. "I intend to call to-morrow morning," said Olive to her husband. "I too."

Their names and their specialities are prominent on door-plates almost as though they were competing against the lures of the traders. But Dr Hegelmann had no need to cry his services in the market-place. His consulting rooms and nursing home were hidden amongst the evergreens of a cool, restful garden well away from the flaunting life of the Wilhelmstrasse.

Clifford was not lying, and you are! That's the long and short of it!" "Then call him here and ask him before me!" Olive saw her opportunity. She could find out Rivière's address from Dr. Hegelmann or from one of the staff of the nursing home, and go to confront him before Elaine could see and warn him of the new development. It would be strategic to allay suspicion of her coming move, however.