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As Jacques Haret had told me, Regnard Cheverny had, during the preceding year, become possessed of the last remnant of Jacques Haret's fortune, in Castle Haret, in Brabant, which had been sold for a song under the accumulated debts of many generations of Harets.

It is, however, no great matter, because I have learned to write tolerably well with my left hand." "That's not my opinion; worse, or more awkward writing I never saw," was Jacques Haret's answer, "and I believe you can write perfectly well with your right hand when you choose."

We sat late, and, before we parted, Jacques Haret had arranged to travel with us, riding one of the lead horses. I knew not how it came about, but the whole company submitted, as always, to being taxed for Jacques Haret's benefit. And, as he had got a horse out of somebody, I made no doubt he would get his tavern bills paid and perhaps a complete new outfit by the same sort of diplomacy.

"I don't think you are exactly a favorite with these ladies," replied Gaston, smiling. I listened in wonderment. Was it possible that Francezka had not told Gaston the story of Lisa? For he acted as if he knew nothing of it. However, I had my views about Jacques Haret's presence there, so I rose, too, and bade Gaston a ceremonious adieu, and said nothing at all to Jacques Haret.

I said, however, coldly enough: "Perhaps you have forgotten that old Peter shared his wages with that villain of a Jacques Haret his wages, think of that! And in his own poor house sheltered the fellow. I must say that seldom if ever in my life have I known such treachery as Jacques Haret's."

Nothing, however, could change Jacques Haret's native and incurable levity. He rose, and grinning, made Francezka a low bow. "I am sorry, Madame, I can not oblige you," he said, "but my arrangements are all made, even to my wardrobe, and it is now too late to change, disagreeable as it is to me to disoblige a lady."

And this, too, accounted for Gaston Cheverny's and Jacques Haret's presence, as both of them were born and reared within sight of Honsbrouck. Gaston Cheverny and Jacques Haret both bent over the map. Jacques Haret, taking a pen, began to draw a line upon the map.

I have become a gentleman once more; but if you object to them the clothes, I mean I will take them off, every rag of them, here on the spot. The prospect doesn't alarm you, does it? You, Madame, a representative of the Kirkpatricks, ought not to be frightened by a little thing like that." Francezka had sat still, trying to master her indignation at Jacques Haret's presumption.

So, I took it, he had a strong motive for staying in Brabant. I often wondered what Jacques Haret's feelings must be, when Regnard, as he often did, talked openly about the new plans for Castle Haret. But Jacques showed his usual cool and unruffled front. It is astonishing how many good and even great qualities a man may possess and still be a scoundrel of the first water.

There never was one of that family who did not consider himself entitled to much consideration from the Supreme Being. They are not all, however, so candid about it as Peggy is." Considering this direct reflection upon Francezka, I looked to see Gaston Cheverny forget the presence of his host, forget the presence of the ladies, and knock Jacques Haret's impudent head off. Not at all.