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"Well, I'll have a look at that greaser up the road," he said, addressing her, and then went on half-jocularly, half-seriously: "He may have his eye on the find in that stocking." "You be darned!" was the Girl's parting shot at him as he went out into the night.

With his gray tweeds, Mark, from his cap to shoes, seemed more English than Irish, and one instinctively looked for the monocle but in vain, for the Irish-gray eyes, deep-set under the heavy straight brows, disdained artifice as they looked half-seriously, though also a bit roguishly, out upon the world.

"Would you rather have had us permit his entrance?" asked the doctor. "For my own satisfaction and curiosity I would rather have had it so, Doctor. But for his sake, no; a hundred times no." "Ah, Miss Arnold, heart disease is sometimes worse than Yellow Jack," remarked the doctor half-seriously. "Yes, yes, it is always so," said Agnes earnestly.

"I think there's reason to hope, Sir, that Miss Lundie may get over it more easily than you suppose." "What reason, pray?" "A person in my position can hardly venture to speak freely, Sir, on a delicate matter of this kind." Sir Patrick's temper flashed out, half-seriously, half-whimsically, as usual. "Is that a snap at Me, you old dog? If I am not your friend, as well as your master, who is?

Half-seriously, half-smiling at his own enthusiasm, he seems to discern in Mohammed, in Saladin, and the Ottoman power, the avengers of Julian and the Rome of the Antonines.

"I've been here once before this morning, and I took several glasses." "Back to juvenile rôles for yours!" cried Russ. "Mr. Pertell will have to look for another leading lady." "I haven't noticed any effect yet," she said, as she took out a vanity box, and surreptitiously used her chamois, leaving a more brilliant tint on her face. "It takes time," went on Russ, half-seriously.

Even crowns to-day are not won in tug-of-war." The woman had looked at him half-seriously, half-challengingly. "I am told, Monsieur Jusseret," she said, "that no government in Europe has a secret which you do not know. I am told that you have changed a crown or two from head to head in your career. Let me see your hand." Instantly he had held it out.

"The joke became a little tedious; and Richard asked half-seriously and half in jest: "'But, after all, what does this ghost of yours want? "M. Poligny went to his desk and returned with a copy of the memorandum-book.

"He has 'quit the Port of Heaven," she quoted half-seriously, playing with superstition as only women can, "and he's 'drumming up the Channel'! They say it foretells war . . . that noise. . . ." Margaret gave a little shiver and rose to her graceful height, extending both her ringless hands to him. "It's getting chilly come!"

He himself when he first noticed that Arnold was taking the first place with Minette had spoken to him half-jestingly, half-seriously, on the subject. He had never made any secret of his own distrust of the model, and in the early days of their intercourse had spoken freely to Arnold on the subject.