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For a considerable part of the distance they walked together; and when at length they separated, Dick, who somehow seemed to have assumed the direction of affairs as a matter of course, with Grosvenor's tacit consent and approval, said: "Now, Phil, anything that may break cover to the right of that baobab, as we stand facing it, belongs to you, while anything that emerges to the left belongs to me, neither of us to interfere with the other's chances unless the brutes seem likely to get away and make good their escape.

The nucleus of Earl Grosvenor's collection, was the purchase of Mr. Agar's pictures for L30,000; since which it has been enlarged, till it has at length become one of the finest in England. In the drawing-room at Eaton are, Our Saviour on the Mount of Olives, by Claude Lorraine, which is the largest painting known to have been executed by him; and A Port in the Mediterranean, by Vernet.

A minute later they both arrived upon the scene, anxious to know what was amiss, and received Dick's hurried explanation with many Au's! of surprise and apprehension. Then, in obedience to his brief but concise instruction, they hurried away again at a run, to return with very commendable celerity, bearing Grosvenor's hammock and a long pole, hacked from the nearest tree they could find.

This last statement set the poor old Elder absolutely quivering with apprehension; but Dick was not worrying overmuch about him or anybody else save the Queen, and he contrived to frighten the unhappy Elder so thoroughly that at length he unreservedly promised, both for himself and everybody else, that the word "marriage" should never again be spoken in Her Majesty's presence until Dick gave permission; and he also agreed that Dick should have an absolutely free hand with regard to the Queen's treatment, the visitors she should receive, the exercise she should take, and so on; thus providing for Dick's and Grosvenor's free admission to the palace and the Queen's presence as often as they chose.

We dismissed the Signor, but he still continued his visits, under the plea that it was his custom to give a few additional lessons at the close of a course, and if he might be allowed, he should consider it a valuable acquisition to his own musical powers, to continue for a time his exercises under Miss Grosvenor's superior talent." As Mrs. Santon paused, Delwood, in a state of frenzy, exclaimed,

At the same instant Grosvenor's bullet, aimed at her head, crashed into her flank, passing right through it and utterly paralysing her hind quarters.

Grosvenor's report has not yet been published, we believe, but from general rumor, and the fact that nothing has been heard to the contrary, we are justified in believing that he found the state of the case to be substantially as it was reported by the Chinese high commissioner.

Grosvenor and her son, in connection with their Sea-flower, yet it was remotest from their minds, that such thoughts would find their way to her heart. Mrs. Grosvenor's circumstances were indeed more embarrassed than she had expressed to Natalie, yet she had sufficient left, wherewith they might by retrenching a little, live very comfortably. Faithful mother! thou wilt have thy reward.

Besides four coronetted carriages with post-horses, there are three phaetons-and-pair; a thing that would have been a phaeton if they'd have let it; General Grosvenor's dog-carriage, that is to say, his carriage with a dog upon it; Lady Chesterfield and the Hon. Mrs. But where is Mr. Jorrocks all this time?

It was a truly ferocious scene, the like of which was witnessed thousands of times in the great North American forests, and Tayoga, softened by long contact with high types of white men, felt pity. The light from the great fire fell directly on Grosvenor's face and showed its pallor.