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Laying the spare rifle at his feet, Dick stood facing the great clump, with the rifle in his hand at the ready, prepared for any emergency. The noise and confusion, however, seemed to indicate that the next event would occur in the area under Grosvenor's jurisdiction, and, sure enough, about a minute later another lion and lioness broke cover together, followed by the remainder of the dogs.

Ernest good-naturedly struggled to talk with me, but I spared him the ordeal, and, arrived at Grosvenor's, interestedly studied them to discover what manner of procedure "trying to ape the swells" might be the swells of Noonoon the doctor who thought I might "peg out" any minute, and the bank managers and the parsons.

He listened for a little while to Grosvenor's narrative but his attention wandered back to the seafaring man. Then he decided. "Will you fellows talk on and excuse me for a few minutes?" he said. "What is it, Lennox?" asked Colden. "I see an acquaintance on the other side of the room. I wish to speak to him." "That being the case, we'll let you go, but we'll miss you. Hurry back."

Under those circumstances there was of course nothing more to be said; and finally Dick agreed to Grosvenor's proposal in its entirety, the more readily that, after all, when he came to reflect upon it, there was much truth in what Grosvenor had said with regard to the possible loss which Dick might sustain by attaching himself to the expedition and burying himself in the wilds for a more or less indefinite period.

When Sylvia was seventeen, her guardian died, and she passed under the care of Mrs. Grosvenor, a lady of wealth and fashion, and Sylvia's nearest relative, though a distant one. While an inmate of Mrs. Grosvenor's family, she still preserved somewhat of her life-long habits of seclusion, and shrank from a too familiar intercourse with those around her.

As he stepped into the swift-sailing cutter which was to convey him across to the mainland, where the wagon, already inspanned, was awaiting him, a letter was handed to him by one of two men who had just carefully deposited in the boat a well-filled leather portmanteau bearing Grosvenor's initials. The letter ran thus: "Dear old Chap,

But it pleased Heaven that Sir Charles should be more severely chastised; the Grosvenor's time of arrival had elapsed, and still she was not reported in the Channel; week after week of anxiety and suspense passed slowly away, and the East-India ship did not make her appearance. It was supposed that she had been captured by the enemy, but still no tidings of her capture were received.

This announcement at once banished the glum looks which Grosvenor's ill- timed levity of demeanour had called up, and restored matters to the favourable condition that had been momentarily endangered.

It is likely that Black Rifle went on, because a great British and American army is gathering below, which fact he knows well, and it is probable that Black Rifle follows St. Luc, because he will hunt the biggest game." Grosvenor's eyes sparkled. "I understand," he said. "It is a great art, that of trailing through the wilderness, and I can see how circumstances compel you to learn it."

"Carter" I said franticaly. "I think I'd better tell you. "How about calling him Grosvenor?". he babbled on. "Grosvenor's a good name. Ted Grosvenor that ought to hit them between the eyes. It's going to be rather a lark, Miss Bab!"