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Chayne sent for them. "Yes," they said. "At half past two this morning, the climbing party descended from the rocks on to the ice-fall of the glacier. They should be at the hut at the Grands Mulets now, on the other side of the mountain, if not already in Chamonix. Perhaps monsieur would wish for porters to-morrow." "No," said Chayne.

"But then came the day when the Commandant, the French Commandant, you understand, came to me and said 'Sister, I have sad news for you. I am going. I am taking away the wounded and all my stores. Those are my orders. "'But, mon Commandant, you'll leave me some of your stores for the grands blessés, whom you leave behind whom you can't move? What! you must take it all away? Ah, ça non!

Equally useful is COSNEAU'S Grands Traités de la Guerre de Cent Ans also in the same Collection de Textes. Chronicles, with all their deficiencies, must ever be largely used as sources of continuous historical narrative.

He spent ten shillings on putting a corn-coloured paper in the room he was making his parlour; and he hung on the walls a sketch which Lawson had given him of the Quai des Grands Augustins, and the photograph of the Odalisque by Ingres and Manet's Olympia which in Paris had been the objects of his contemplation while he shaved.

The inferior ice-slopes and the valleys far below were bathed in the golden glories of a magnificent sunset and, before they reached the huts at the Grands Mulets, they had passed from a condition of excessive cold to one of extreme heat, insomuch that the Captain and Professor were compelled to walk with their coats slung over their shoulders, while perspiration streamed from their bare brows.

But with the governing part of the State it is far otherwise. They certainly may act ill by design, as well as by mistake. "Les revolutions qui arrivent dans les grands etats ne sont point un effect du hasard, ni du caprice des peuples. Rien ne revolte les grands d'un royaume comme un Gouvernoment foible et derange.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," he said, as he took a place opposite them, and began reading the papers of the day. "Bah!" said he, at last, "sont-ils grands ces journaux Anglais? Look, sir," he said, handing over an immense sheet of The Times to Mr. Gambouge, "was ever anything so monstrous?" Gambouge smiled politely, and examined the proffered page. "It is enormous" he said; "but I do not read English."

We were running a short slant past Moie Batarde, before taking a long one for the Grands Bouillons, when a flutter of white among the wild black rocks of the point by the Creux

And somewhat later, he says: "Cette bataille etait un chef d'oeuvre de mouvements, de manoeuvres, et de resolution, seul elle suffirait pour immortaliser Frederic, et lui donne un rang parmi les plus grands generaux!" The victory was gained.

But it would not do to turn back now in our half-famished condition, and we were glad when the Grands Mulets hove in sight below, a black squadron in a sea of snow. In Chamonix I took a day or two to thaw out and mend bruises, and then ran over to Martigny, crossed the Grand St. Bernard, the St.