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The desire of the jumpers was to obtain possession of the rich claim, or of some part of it; and the lawyers longed for costs, and they got them. The prospectors paid, and it was a long time before they could extricate their claim from the clutches of the law. They found the goldfield, and they also soon found an unprofitable crop of lawsuits growing on it.

There remained but Brand Williams the foreman, Collie, and the sturdy, hard-riding Miguel, a young Spanish vaquero who was devoted to but two things in life, his splendid pinto pony, and the Moonstone Ranch. The others had been lured to the new oil-fields up north to the excitement of Goldfield, or to Mexico City, where even more excitement promised.

He was good looking, popular and unspoilt a phenomenon rarely come upon and being ambitious it was not long before he had set up in Goldfield under the style of the Wood-Sullivan Hardware Co., selling hardware with lightning rapidity, just as if it were the easiest ware in the world to dispose of. Then one fine day Sullivan developed into a full-blown philanthropist.

Shaw's strenuous itinerary included meetings at Battle Mountain, Winnemucca, Lovelocks, Reno, Washoe, Carson City, Virginia City, Tonopah, Goldfield, Las Vegas and Caliente. She made many hundreds of votes for the amendment.

Further Expedition Planned Thank-offerings of Notu Chiefs The Voyage A Gigantic Flatfish Negotiating a Difficult Bar Moat Unhealthy Spot in New Guinea Hostility of Natives Precautions at Night Catching Ground Sharks and a "Groper" Shark-flesh a Delicacy to the Natives Wakened by a War Cry A False Alarm A Hairbreadth Escape Between "Devil and Deep Sea" Dangers of the Goldfield Two Miners Eaten Alive Unexpected Visit from a White Man "Where's that Razor?"

The grade of the road rises rapidly, the track leaves the canon and soon reaches the Mound House, the junction point with the Southern Pacific. Railroad trains leave Mound House for Dayton, Fort Churchill, Tonopah, Goldfield and all points south. Leaving Mound House the road soon traverses the famous mineral belt of the Comstock Lode.

About daybreak the marauders set out again, and it chanced that the direction they took was the same as that taken by Fred Westly and his comrades. These latter had made up their minds to try their fortune at a recently discovered goldfield, which was well reported of, though the yield had not been sufficient to cause a "rush" to the place.

Up to now, carrying had been so remunerative that one would have seen one-time station managers, ex-inspectors of police, old naval men, and all sorts and conditions of other men wielding the bullock-whip and making good earnings, but as competition became keener, carriage fell much lower and more difficult to obtain. The goldfield was falling off, and more in the hands of the Chinese.

I didn't get much riding in Goldfield. I think I'll stop and rest and get acquainted." "You won't get much satisfaction but growls." "That will be all the more fun for me," rejoined Prather. "But don't let me keep you." "No. I must be going on. I've got some things to look after before nightfall," said Bob, while Prather, in a humor proof against any hermit cantankerousness, rode into the yard.

The gambler's line of reasoning was a wise one. In the chain of powerful circumstantial evidence that linked Donna Corblay to Bob McGraw, Mr. Hennage to travel far and fast. He went down to the station and purchased a ticket for Goldfield, Nevada. Goldfield was in the zenith of her glory about that time and Harley P. felt certain of a plethora of easy money in any booming mining camp.