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The most striking instance is that of the tube railway from Charing Cross to Golders Green, now being extended under Government guarantee to Edgware.

When the young man named Smith left Laurence's house after his interview with Richard he was slightly angry and not a little puzzled. The cause of his perplexity was the humorous lines round Richard's eyes and the cause of his anger was his failure to have noted them when first they met in the taxi and travelled home together on the Golders Green tube.

"Sensible fellow and I'll see you get there safely." They alighted at Golders Green Station where the driver was equally amazed by his open cab and the extra passenger. "No, no, this is on me," said the loafer and handed out a couple of notes. In the station he nodded to several men in a friendly fashion and repeated the performance to some others as they sat side by side in the tube carriage.

What led him to the Chapel doors, he being in no way a religious man? "It was like this," he told her. "I was living in Golders Green, and suddenly one morning I was tired of the country that wasn't country, and the butcher boy and the postman. So I moved as far into the centre of things as I could and took a room in St. Martin's Lane close at hand here.

Liberty's which is devoted to the display of velvet robes of those simple, unadorned creations which Golders Green may view unmoved but which stir the æsthetic soul of Chelsea. In the centre of the window, cunningly draped before an oak-pannelled background, hung a dress of grey velvet which was the apogee and culmination of Flamby's dreams.

Nicky was in the strawberry bed. "Was it you who took Roger out this afternoon?" Nicky did not answer promptly. His mouth was still full of strawberries. "What if I did?" he said at last, after manifest reflection. "If you did? Why, you let him down on Golders Hill and cut his knees." "Holly Mount," said Nicky. "Holly Mount or Golders Hill, it's all the same to you, you young monkey."

She lived, when at home, in the rarefied atmosphere of Golders Green, in a red house with a red-tiled roof, one of a streetful similarly afflicted, where she kept two maids and had a weekly reception day. She was childless, but she disdained to carry a pet dog as compensation for barrenness.

Ascher knows most of the chief men in the political world, for instance, but even Prime Ministers are not often invited to the house at Golders Hill. If Ascher really controls them, as Gorman says, he does so without allowing them to interfere with his private life. The house and its appointments impressed me greatly.

It was somewhere near "the corner of Golders Lane," says Faulkner, but the lane has long since been obliterated. St. Stephen's Church, in the Uxbridge Road, was the earliest church in this part of Hammersmith. It was built and endowed by Bishop Blomfield in 1850. Its tower and spire, rising to the height of 150 feet, can be seen for some distance. St.

"Asleep again! I was waiting for you, and the sun on my back always makes me sleepy. I am the foreman. Higgins telephoned that you were coming." It preceded her through the little green archway that led to the farm. The sight reminded Sarah Brown of watching from Golders Green Tube Station the train one has just missed dive into the tunnel. She followed.