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But the old Duke stepped deliberately out of the coach. Seeing, however, his wooden Satan lying broken on the ground, he became very wroth, and called loudly for a turner with his glue-pot. Then he ascended the steps, and when all had greeted him deferentially, he began

Now I think of it, I seem always to have seen, during my fever, the figure of this good old man, sometimes leaning against my bed, and sometimes sitting at his table, surrounded by his sheets of pasteboard. He has just come in with his glue-pot, his quire of green paper, and his great scissors. I called him by his name; he uttered a joyful exclamation, and came near me.

I need not tell you all about that task; how laboriously I carved away day after day at that piece of wood with my pocket-knife, breaking one in the work; how I mounted the piece of wood at last on wires, and then proceeded, by the help of a little glue-pot that my uncle bought on purpose, to stick Polly's feathers on again. By the way, I think I fastened on her wings with tin tacks.

"Oh, how heavenly!" said Rosa, with a sigh of relief; "and how good of you to bring me here!" "Yes; by rights I ought to have waited till you fainted. But there is no making acquaintance among all those people. Mamma will ask such crowds; one is like a fly in a glue-pot."

"The d l's in the diligence and the old hag, it belongs to! Diligence, quoth I? Thou shouldst have called it the Sloth Fly, quoth she? why, it moves like a fly through a glue-pot, as the Irishman says.

I will peg along with verses till somebody begins to take my stories and articles." I felt easier in my mind than I had felt for some time. I got out my glue-pot and began to fasten the rejection form to the wall, whistling a lively air as I did so. While I was engaged in this occupation there was a testy rap at the door, and Mrs. Driver appeared.

He welcomed wet days because on them he could stay at home without pangs of conscience and spend the afternoon with white of egg and a glue-pot, patching up the Russia leather of some battered quarto. He had many volumes of old travels, with steel engravings, and Mrs. Carey quickly found two which described Palestine.