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On the road they passed several of their friends, for every one was going out to the hunt, and merry greetings were exchanged. The scenery round Sandynugghur resembles that which is common to all the great plains of India watered by the Ganges and Jumna. The country is for the most part perfectly flat, and cut up into little fields, divided by shallow ditches.

Though from 4th December 1829 memorable date, to be classed with that on which soon after 800,000 slaves were set free "the Ganges flowed unblooded to the sea" for the first time, the fight lasted a little longer.

On the other side of the Ganges there were frequent skirmishes between parties sent out and bands there who were resisting our authority; the firing was distinctly heard. On Sunday I preached twice to the native Christians.

To which we replied "Victory to the Holy Ganges water." Their lustrous eyes beamed at the salutation. Great, indeed, is the Q.M.G. He supplies manna in the wilderness, and like the manna of the Israelites it has never been known to fail. It is of him that the soldier in the trenches says, in the words of the prophet, "He hath filled my belly with his delicates."

After this he presented him the four briefs, which had been expedited from Home the same year; in two of which, our Holy Father had constituted Xavier apostolical nuncio, and endued him with ample power for the extending and maintenance of the faith throughout the East; in the third, his Holiness recommended him to David Emperor of Ethiopia; and in the fourth, to all the princes who possessed the isles of the sea, or the continent from the Cape of Good Hope, even beyond the Ganges.

Happily for the marquis, the Comte de Ganges, the only one of his brothers who had remained in France, and indeed in favour, learned the king's decision in time. He took post from Versailles, and making the greatest haste, went to warn him of the danger that was threatening; both together immediately left Ganges, and withdrew to Avignon.

Driven headlong on, by fate's resistless force, Through Asia's realms he took his dreadful course; His ruthless sword laid human nature waste, And desolation followed where he passed. Red Ganges blushed, and famed Euphrates' flood, With Persian this, and that with Indian blood.

Among these may be mentioned the descent of the goddess Ganga, which relates to the mythological origin of the river Ganges, and the story of Yajnadatta, a young penitent, who through mistake was killed by Dasaratha; the former splendid for its rich imagery, the latter incomparable for its elegiac character, and for its expression of the passionate sorrow of parental affection.

The walks in the beautiful public gardens and every other place about Allahabad are free to wheelmen, and afford most excellent riding. Messrs. Wingrave and Gawke, the two most enterprising wheelmen, turn out at 6 a.m. to escort me four miles to the Ganges ferry.

This internecine strife of free communities was checked within a century by the imposition of a single military autocracy over them all, and Alexander the Great crowned his father Philip's work by winning new worlds for Hellenism from the Danube to the Ganges and from the Oxus to the Nile.