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Gradually his breathing became more laborious; and presently, turning with a great effort toward the king, he said, Chan cha pi dauni! "I will go now!" Instantly the priests joined in a loud psalm and chant, "P'hra Arahang sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi!" The eyes were open and fixed; the hands still clasped; the expression sweetly content.

"You shall hear: "'This stone is raised to the memory of an Indian chief, of the Delaware tribe, who was known by the several names of John Mohegan; Mohican'" "Mo-hee-can, lad, they call theirselves! 'he-can." "Mohican; 'and Chingagook'" "'Gach, boy; 'gach-gook; Chingachgook, which, intarpreted, means Big Sarpent.

When Shovel found speech he began excitedly: "I love my dear father and my dear " "Gach!" said Tommy, interrupting him contemptuously. "Repenting ain't no go, Shovel. Look at them other coves; none of them has got no money, nor full pockets, and I tell you, it's 'cos they has repented." "Gar on!" "It's true, I tells you.

Te satiya sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi! As the sound of the prayer fell on his ear, a nickering smile lit up the pale, sallow countenance of the dying man with a visible mild radiance, as though the charity and humility of his nature, in departing, left the light of their loveliness there.

The similarity between the Persian "Gach" and this cement, which is found in many ruins about Berberah, has been remarked by other travellers. The following note by Dr. Carter of Bombay will be interesting to Indian geologists. "Of the collection of geological specimens and fossils from Berberah above mentioned, Lieut.

Noel Josephs, of Peter Dana's Point, alias Che gach goch, the Raven. Joseph Tomah, Passamaquoddy, of Point Pleasant. Louis Mitchell, Indian member of the Legislature of Maine. To this gentleman I am greatly indebted for manuscripts, letters, and oral narrations of great value.

From time to time one or other of that solemn company raised his voice, and chanted strangely; and all the choir responded in unison. These were the words, as they were afterward translated for me by the king. First Voice. Sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi! All. Nama Pootho sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi! First Voice. Tuti ampi sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi! All.