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My Lord shan't have a Groat with her. What a Charge are Children! This Lord is the best Friend I have, to take her off my Hands. To be sure bring the Money, carry her to my Lord, and bring the Money; go take Time by the Fore-lock, he may recant, then so much Money's lost. Go, run to my Lord, tell him you'll do it." Here he thrust the Fellow out, and appear'd with a smiling Countenance.

He was growing younger. Starting up, I ran across the room, to the mirror. There were two white hairs in my fore-lock; and, at the corner of either eye, half a dozen radiating lines. I was an old man. Turning, I regarded the Stranger. He sat phlegmatic as an Indian idol; and in my fancy I felt the young blood draining from my own heart, and saw it mantling in his cheeks.

One after the other, three farmers went up and voted for Mr. Vermilye. There was snuff under their noses probably something heavier than snuff in their pockets. Then came up the big, grey-headed fellow I have before mentioned Jacob Baines. He pulled his fore-lock to Sir Ralph, rather shyly; possibly in his youth he had made the sheriff's acquaintance under less favourable circumstances.

I have no doubt that I shall find you a situation. "'Thank you, sir, said the seaman, touching his fore-lock. 'I'm just off a two-yearer in an eight-knot tramp, short-handed at that, and I wants a rest. I thought I'd get it either with Mr. Beddoes or with you. "'Ah! cried Trevor. 'You know where Mr. Beddoes is?

On the following morning, at ten o'clock to the minute, he made his appearance at the office of Cosy Moments, his fore-lock more than usually well oiled in honour of the occasion, and his right coat-pocket bulging in a manner that betrayed to the initiated eye the presence of the faithful "canister."

There are hundreds too willing; but remember, you will regret it if you lose this chance of a lifetime. Opportunity is knocking at your door; seize it by the fore-lock.

His hair, as he cut it off, he cast upon a tree, that the wind might scatter it among the people. Kaled was fortunate enough to catch a part of the fore-lock, which he fixed upon his turban; the virtue whereof he experienced in every battle he afterward fought.

Then he went down to the stables. All the grooms and stableboys came tumbling into the stable yard in response to his thunderous shout. "Saddle Red Rover, and be quick about it," he commanded. "Going out, sir?" asked the head groom, touching his fore-lock. "I am," said Mr. Blithers succinctly and with a withering glare.