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But it would be fool’s work to batter down a pump only because a better might be made, when you had no machinery ready for a new one: it would be wicked work, if villages lost their crops by it.

It was his doctrine that avoidance of detail was artful; that to carry the whole burden when imagination could be tricked into shouldering some of it was fool’s drudgery. Millet, who was his antipode as a clumsy handler of his tools, declared himself fortunate in being able to suggest much more than he could paint.

For this reason it is calledfool’s gold.” Likewise things may outwardly seem very different, while in reality they are very much the same. A sparkling diamond seems very different from a lump of coal, but the chief difference is only in the arrangement of their particles. Both are composed chiefly of carbon, so in nature they conform closely to each other.

He then scanned Calhoun closely from head to feet. “I reckon you understand the purport of these papers,” he said, in rather a harsh voice. “I suppose they relate to sending me through the lines,” answered Calhoun. “Well, I can send you through, young man, but you are going on a fool’s errand. I have had a good deal to do with those Knights of the Golden Circle, as they call themselves.

If I had had interest enough I would have changed the Board of Admiralty for having sent me to Plymouth on a fool’s errand. My thoughts were bitter and seven fathoms deep. Again I cruised, like an armadillo on a grassplat, there and back again.

Of course there was nothing whatever to tell us that we were being watched, but I ought to have assumed that there was a possibility of such a thing and not to have run the risk. I’ll be mighty careful that I don’t play such a fool’s trick again.

Peters and Robson sitting in the stern. “What miracle is this, Captain Harker?” the officer cried as he came on deck. “Your lieutenant brought us news that you were dismasted and lying helpless in some little inlet, and here you are with what I can see is a French equipment and a couple of prizes! I can almost accuse you of having brought us here on a fool’s errand.”