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The parts, g, of the core are in the shape of circular segments, and are united at their external circumference by a flange, along with which they form a shoulder piece for the casting. As a consequence of the rapid revolution of the mould, these parts are pressed by centrifugal force against the molten metal which is run into the mould.

The descending edges of a row of these flat plates, as they lay side by side, were turned up into a kind of flange of about 2-1/4 inches in height, so that at the points of contact a ridge was formed down the roof. Over this line was laid a series of other tiles shaped into a half-cylinder, the lower end of each tile overlapping the next.

One end of these girders is secured to the retaining walls by means of horizontal and vertical anchorages, while the other end rests in a sliding bearing on the top flange of the arch.

So the others looked on with admiration and a pleasant confidence, while Mac boldly cut a hole in the brand-new tent, and instructed Potts how to make a flange out of a tin plate, with which to protect the canvas from the heat of the stove-pipe. No more cooking now in the bitter open.

The circumference is formed of eleven plates at the base, and nine at the top: they are cast with a flange all round the inner edges; and when put together these flanges form the joints, which are fastened together with nut and screw-bolts, and caulked with iron cement.

=Flanging a Tube.= This operation produces the characteristic flange seen on test-tubes, necks of flasks, etc., the object being twofold: to finish the end neatly and to strengthen it so that a cork may be inserted without breaking it. This flanging may be done in several ways.

Wherefore he blinks, winks, weeps, twitches, condenses his countenance, and squirms; and perchance the barber's scissors clip more than intended belike an outlying flange of ear. "Um muh OW!" said Penrod, this thing having happened. "D' I touch y' up a little?" inquired the barber, smiling falsely. "Ooh UH!" The boy in the chair offered inarticulate protest, as the wound was rubbed with alum.

The flange spoken of above is quickly cut, and the paste is made to rise again for the last time, in order to form a new flange, but one that this time will be extremely thin; then a perforated disk designed for forming the top joint, and acting as a conduit for the air, is placed upon the mould.

Over this flange a wooden tub is placed, which is somewhat narrowed at the top, being 1 foot 6 inches in the upper, and 2 feet 10 inches in the lower diameter, and 4 feet in height. The tub has a false bottom for the passage of steam from the boiler beneath. The upper part of the tub is connected with a condensing apparatus by means of a wooden or bamboo pipe.

When he saw the rent in the lead, the blood rushed to his face for an instant, but as quickly fell away again, so that he remained of a ghastly whiteness. He was still silent. Van Helsing forced back the leaden flange, and we all looked in and recoiled. The coffin was empty! For several minutes no one spoke a word. The silence was broken by Quincey Morris, "Professor, I answered for you.