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This, as a great portion of the troops were actually on board, and within reach of the flagship's guns, produced the desired effect on the refractory troops ashore, though not till I was compelled to send Captain Crosbie with a large party to enforce compliance and to disarm the militia, both of which objects he effected without bloodshed.

"Ah, señor!" replied Rafael, "let me pass, for I see that in great danger which I most love in this world." The knight let him pass, but before he could reach the spot, the crew of the flagship's boat had already taken on board Marco Antonio and Leocadia, who never let him out of her arms.

Bors had himself ferried to the flagship by space-boat, because what he had to report was too disheartening to be spoken where all the fleet might hear. Gwenlyn met him at the flagship's airlock. She looked very glad, as if she'd been uneasy about him. "Call for a boat," Bors commanded her curtly, "to take you to the Sylva. Go on board with anybody else who belongs on it, your father, anybody.

Our gig soon joined the fleet of waiting boats at the flagship's gangway, and lay there while the captain went aboard. The skipper returned about noon and went forward. Immediately, we heard the cry "All hands on the gig falls." Then, before the boat was fairly out of water, we heard the engine bell jingle. We were off again.

And Commodore Riveros' offer of a hundred pesos to the man who should first sight the enemy, only increased the anxiety of the flagship's crew to fever-heat, and men were to be found aloft upon the look-out at all hours of the day and night.

But at this point a young woman and pretty, too, though daubed with paint thrust her hat and head out of a window, three carriages away, and demanded to know what in the name of Moses we were waiting for. "Signals, my dear. The flagship's forra'd; and keep your eye lifting that way, if you please.

By extension, ships delivering wounded or picking up dead were also immune, a principle that neither side had violated . . . yet. Arjen and his reinforced fleet were about to violate that unwritten taboo. The Fleet-Captain looked around his flagship's control central, conscious that nobody else aboard the Hermnaen knew of the planned deceit.

"Fleet patrol boat will show you to your anchorage. Are your owners aboard?" "Yes, sir." "Then, in the morning, they will hear from the admiral." "One moment, sir," Captain Jack shouted back. "We have aboard a maniac, a man who tried to destroy us on the trip down. He has naval discharge papers." "His name?" "William Henderson." "Henderson? Wait a moment!" came back from the flagship's rail.

On the port side of the line steamed a flotilla of Japan's fastest destroyers, told off by Togo to act as dispatch boats, in the event of the flagship's wireless apparatus being put out of action, or her masts shot away.

As soon as the dusk began to fall, the launches of the two ironclads were hoisted out, their crews picked, and at half-past six Jim and his friend Terry took their places in the flagship's boat, which steamed off slowly in one direction round the harbour, while that of the Almirante Cochrane started, under easy steam, in the opposite direction.