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Perhaps the most striking case is that of a cuckoo found in New Zealand, known as Eudynamis taitensis. Writing of this cuckoo, Sir Walter Buller says: "Not only has our cuckoo the general contour of Cooper's sparrow-hawk, but the tear-shaped markings on the underparts, and the arrow-head bars on the femoral plumes are exactly similar in both.

As the primary growth is often situated on the sole of the foot or in the matrix of the nail of the great toe, the femoral and inguinal glands become enlarged in succession, forming tumours much larger than the primary growth. Lastly, the dissemination may be universal throughout the body, and this usually occurs at a comparatively early stage.

It was the natural consequence of inflammation of the peritoneum, and was both of diagnostic value as indicating general peritonitis and of special value in that, more definitely than the pain, it pointed to the original seat of the affection, which, according to present indications, could only have been an internal incarceration following right-sided inguinal hernia, or femoral hernia, or appendicitis.

The dissection may be attended with troublesome hæmorrhage from the numerous veins that converge towards the femoral trunk. Tuberculous disease in the mesenteric and bronchial glands is described with the surgery of regions.

Long after the last awkward lurch, there came back zizzing squeaks of perfect faith, and I hoped, as I passed beyond the periphery of sound, that instinct and desire might direct their rolling ball of vibrations toward the one whose ear, whether in antenna, or thorax or femoral tympanum had, through untold numbers of past lives, been attuned to its rhythm.

A piece of the shell, whose fragments had flown so thick around me as I came up, had struck his thigh half way between his hip and knee, and cut a wide path through, severing the femoral artery. Had he been instantly taken from his horse and a tourniquet applied, he might perhaps have been saved.

Showing shortening of bone, owing to a lateral approximation of the diaphysis because of muscular contraction. Photo by Dr. Symptomatology. According to Cadiot and Almy, "regardless of the location of femoral fractures, the subject is usually intensely lame, the animal frequently walking on three legs fractures of the diaphysis are characterized by an abnormal mobility." In this case Dr.

I had the misfortune to sever my femoral artery when I was a brat, and, although it seems to have come quite right now, it was not thought advisable for me to rough it at a public school." "But why on earth are they putting you in the army?" the Tenor asked. "You mean I am much too pretty?" said the Boy, "not to mention my brains and manners. Well, there I must agree with you.

Spasmodic contraction of the crural muscles which sometimes retains the patella in such position that the leg is rigidly extended, does not in itself constitute luxation of the patella; and unless this bone becomes lodged on the upper portion of a femoral condyle or laterally displaced out of its femoral groove, luxation cannot be said to exist in the horse. These are sub-luxations.

Therefore, it is evident that, because of the manner of function of the femur, the leverage afforded by its great trochanter and its heavy muscular attachments, fractures of this bone in the horse do not terminate favorably. Luxation of the Femur. Etiology and Occurrence. Uncomplicated femoral luxation is of less frequent occurrence in the horse than in the other domestic animals.