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It was a great joy when, awakened by the steersman, who had not forgotten the order he had received, Mary raised herself on her couch, and through the window that she had had opened, saw once more the beloved shore. But at five o'clock in the morning, the wind having freshened, the vessel rapidly drew farther away, so that soon the land completely disappeared.

I would not consent for anything in the world to lose the memory of a pain which came to me from you." They went down together to the street. She was to take a carriage a little farther on and precede him at her house by a few minutes. "My husband expects you to breakfast." They talked, on the way, of insignificant things, which their love made great and charming.

"I really think," said one of the officers, "that we have carried the idea of industrial education, of making the schools train for practical life, much farther in the Philippines than it has been carried in the United States. The trouble at home is that our teachers don't introduce industrial education early enough.

But his friends proclaimed that it was all strategic; that he was deliberately drawing us farther and farther into the meshes, farther and farther away from our base of supplies, and that in due season he would not only halt for battle, but assume the bold offensive.

They looked for him in the garden, and as they did not find him, his father went out into the road and shouted at the top of his voice, "Jean!" Night came on. A brown vapor arose making distant objects look still farther away and giving them a dismal, weird appearance. Three tall pines, close at hand, seemed to be weeping.

"How do you like your quarters, my man? How do you like this sort of life, eh?" "Considering all circumstances, it's well enough; as well as ought reasonably to be expected," said I, in a tone meant to discourage farther conversation on the subject. But he was not to be so put off.

You are the kind of men we want, and I am sure that you will not disappoint us. It is not necessary to go farther into detail. You catch my thought.

It seems to me, Gisli, he said to his friend, that I'd rather lose all my ewes than this skin, for it was the thing which once made me say, 'Thus far and no farther! And since then I seem to own something right here in my breast which not even Jon of Lon can take away from me.

As I penetrated farther into the heart of the city, and to its better built and more spacious quarters, I found the destruction to be less that the principal streets were standing, and many of the more distinguished structures.

He stopped, and, after a moment of hesitation, turning on his heel, he retraced his steps. Of what use was it to go farther? He had no need to reflect nor to weigh the pro and con; he must give up this plan; decidedly it was too dangerous.