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In our home countries we should urge support of every movement for the extension of popular education, foster every agency which helps men and women to think for themselves, promote every endeavor to maintain honest elections, judicially conducted campaigns and high ideals in parties and parliaments, for democracy succeeds when and where independence and intelligence are greatest.

What I have chiefly tried to show is how to get proper materials and how to use them to the best advantage. I think it is safe to say that no domestic art is capable of such important results from a pecuniary point of view, or so important an extension in the direction of practical art.

The borings having shown that soft earth existed below the grade of the tops of the tunnel under the passenger station building of the Long Island Railroad on the east side of Front Street, and that earth of varying character would be met in places beyond the station building under the railroad tracks in the passenger yard and the street car tracks in Borden Avenue, it had been decided, before proposals were invited, to extend the metal lining eastward to East Avenue, at the east end of the work embraced in the original contract, where the rising tunnel grades approached the surface of the ground so closely that their further extension would be in open cut.

Virginia in the generosity of her great heart gave the Northwest to the Union and forbade the extension of slavery within it " Blair leaped to make a point. "Surely these proud recollections, of her gifts to the Union should form bonds too strong to be broken!" "So say I, sir! Surely they should place the people of all sections under obligations too deep to permit the invasion of her sacred soil!

The next position would be that this person, finding himself unable to gather together the equivalent of return within the stated time, would greet you with a very supple neck and pray for a further extension, which would be permitted on the understanding that in the event of failure his garments and personal charms should be held in bondage.

The same year that saw our title to Florida perfected saw the end of Spanish rule in Mexico. The first effect of this change was unfavorable to the extension of American dominion. Mexico became a republic, taking the United States for a model.

Even if they retained the flexibility and the power of extension that were theirs in life, they would fall far short of the surface of the acorn. What then has happened, that this unhappy insect should be impaled like a specimen beetle with a pin through its head? An accident of the workshop is responsible.

He intended, if time were ever his again, to begin where he had left off when broken health interrupted. In the extension room over William Truedale's bedchamber Lynda carried on her designing and her study; her office, uptown, was reserved for interviews and outside business. Her home workshop had the feminine touch that the other lacked.

Thus, in all times, their greatest enterprises have not been planned by officialism and carried out upon any regular system, but have sprung, like their constitution, their laws, and their entire industrial arrangements, from the force of circumstances and the individual energies of the people. The mode of action in the case of railway extension, was characteristic and national.

The most honourable, as well as the most useful, occupation for nations is the contributing to the extension of human knowledge. The true power of the French Republic should henceforth be made to consist in not allowing a single new idea to exist without making it part of its property.