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At the moment of sending the letter Don Frederick was in possession of strict orders from his father not to leave a man alive of the garrison, with the exception of the Germans, and to execute a large number of the burghers. On the receipt of this letter the city formally surrendered on the 10th of July.

Dean Swift, in commenting upon the usual fate of controversial pamphlets, which seldom live beyond their generation, says: "There is indeed an exception, when a great genius undertakes to expose a foolish piece; so we still read Marvell's answer to Parker with pleasure, though the book it answers be sunk long ago."

Their mother died in 1839, retaining, to the never-ceasing grief of her Northern daughters, her slave-holding principles to the last. The few remaining members of the family were settled in and around Charleston, and were, with one exception, in comfortable circumstances at the beginning of the war.

Yet it must now be remembered that Samoa with the exception of the beautiful island of Tutuila is German territory, and German officials are none too effusive to Englishmen or Americans in Samoa. But if any one wants to spend an enjoyable time in the South Seas let him avoid the "excursion ship" and go there in a trading steamer.

I had never yet heard of a battle in which every body was killed; but this seemed likely to be an exception, as all were going by turns. We got excessively impatient under the tame similitude of the latter part of the process, and burned with desire to have a last thrust at our respective vis-

Emily, who never refused anything, and I, who ever delighted in bathing, and had no exception to the person who proposed it, or to those pleasure it was easy to guess it implied, took care, on this occasion, not to wrong our training at Mrs. Cole's, and agreed to it with as good a grace as we could.

His idea was a brilliant one, so much so that it required the co-operation of both families with the exception of the two girls, from whom it was kept a secret. But the two D's were told that the evening of the Fourth would be a red letter day for them and they looked forward eagerly to whatever it might be. About seven o'clock on Fourth of July evening, Mrs.

One would think nothing but business would call people out on such a disagreeable night." "As, for instance, myself," Col. Baker said, laughingly. "Oh, you. Of course, special friends are an exception." And Col. Baker was well pleased to be ranked among the exceptions. Meantime the ringer was heralded. "It is Dr. Dennis, sir. Shall I show him in here?" "I suppose so," Mr.

For when they had ridden into town taking the back way in order to avoid any sleepless citizens that might be about it was past midnight. Lawler had timed himself to reach town at about that hour, knowing that with the exception of a brothel or two, Willets would be dark. He had been fortunate.

With her head up and bust thrown forward, the beautiful creature knew how to make an imposing appearance. This was Fraülein Athalie. The man was a young officer, verging on thirty, with a cheerful open face and fiery black eyes. According to the military regulations of the period, he had a clean-shaven face, with the exception of a small crescent-shaped whisker.