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You'd better run, or you'll burst." "Oh, Miss Barbara, Miss Barbara!" she said. "And you so young to be so wild!" This was unjust, and I am one to resent injustice. I had returned home with my mind fixed on serious Things, and now I was being told I was wild. "If I tell your mother she'll have a fit," Hannah said, evadently drawn hither and thither by emotion.

He then said that there were Camps for girls, like Plattsburg only more Femanine, and that they were bully. "You see," he said, "they take a lot of over-indulged society girls and make them over into real People." Ye gods! Over-indulged! "Why don't you go to one?" he then asked. "Evadently," I said, "I am not a real Person." "Well, I wouldn't go as far as that.

Beecher made a suggestion, which was this: that the Pattens were evadently going to let him starve until he got through work, and that he would see them in perdetion before he would be the Butt for their funny remarks when they freed him. He therfore tried to escape out the window, but stuck fast, and finaly gave it up. At last he said: "Look here, you're a curious child, but a nervy one.

"Good gracious, Bab!" he exclaimed. "Come to me, of course." "And you'll do what you're told?" He looked out into the hall to see if mother was near. Then, dear Dairy, he turned to me and said: "I always have, Bab. I guess I'll run true to form." JANUARY 23RD. Much better today. Out and around. Evadently have promised father to restrain themselves. Father rushed and not coming home to dinner.

Ye gods, was I in a mood for candy? "I think not, father," I replied, in a dignafied way. "Our dear Country is now at war, and it is no time for self-indulgence." "Good for you!" he said. "Evadently that school of yours is worth something after all. But we might have a bit of candy, anyhow, don't you think? Because we want to keep our Industries going and money in circulation."

Grosvenor" was on the fourth floor. I wakened the boy, and he yawned and took me to the fourth floor. My hands were stiff with nervousness by that time, but the boy was half asleep, and evadently he took me for some one who belonged there, for he said "Goodnight" to me, and went on down. There was a square landing with two doors, and "Grosvenor" was on one. I tried it gently. It was unlocked.