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Daria regretted that he had no one really close to him for this, but with Hovan and the others around them, she was sure he would take some pleasure in it, and he would be unaware of how much he was missing. Tarlac felt the presence of his n'ruhar, male and female alike, in a perception that was a glow of warmth. They were his clan, his family. And yes, he was es'ruhar to Daria.

I was " "I know," Daria interrupted, putting her other hand over his. "That you continue when you feel certain of death does you honor. You are so intense, Steve. Relax, let the chovas soothe you." "I can now, I guess. But I'm still worried. From what Hovan's told me, the Ordeal's no picnic, even if I do get help from the Lords." "That is true, es'ruhar, but be easy.

Worrying will only make it worse." Tarlac was touched by her concern, and even more by what she called him though her intonation, combined with her use of the male signifier, made that term . . . intimate. It was almost embarrassing, and he didn't know how to respond. "Speaker . . ." "I am Daria, es'ruhar." "Daria, then." Tarlac was acutely aware of her tone and her touch.

She had only relaxed when her best-loved es'ruhar, he who had given her life, came to give her this gift as well. And those who were with them included her other closest n'ruhar. Now the ones Steve knew best were here to show their approval and joy.

The gray skin, despite its dense toughness, was soft and supple around his hands. This was a little too much closeness. "Uh, I think the Traiti and Empire have a lot to offer each other. For instance, you " "Steve, es'ruhar . . ." Daria interrupted again, smiling gently as she ran the backs of her claws up and down his forearm. Tarlac shivered, not from cold, and a gulp of hot chovas didn't help.

Yarra smiled at them "Well, Steve, have you lost all your doubts of truly belonging?" "There's no need for the English now, Ka'ruchaya the Lords are good teachers." Tarlac was still baffled by their gift of Language, but he'd come to accept it. "I've lost all my doubts." "That is good," Yarra said. "I like my n'ruesten at ease." Then Daria touched Steve's hand. "You tell them, es'ruhar.

"The Lords do not forbid their Speakers sharing of bodies or young if they did, none would serve them. There are no barriers, es'ruhar, except those in your mind." She was silent then, letting the man absorb her words and her unspoken caring, as some people drifted out of the room and others drifted in, to sit near them.

Tarlac exclaimed but shock almost instantly turned to understanding. "Daria, you should have told me!" "And make your First Sharing a thing of duty instead of joy? No, es'ruhar. That would have been wrong for you, and for our ka'esten. You deserve better of the clan." Yarra smiled at them, and spoke to Steve.