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And then at last Bellair had come back, and trouble began. As to many things, nay, as to most things which have to do with the flesh rather than the spirit, men are more fastidiously delicate than are women. There had come months of misery, of revolt, and, on Elwyn's part, of dulling love....

Small wonder that the bridegroom had half-jokingly left his young wife in Elwyn's charge when he had had to go half across the world on business that could not be delayed, while she stayed behind to nurse her father who was ill. It was then, with mysterious, uncanny suddenness, that the mischief had begun.

Hugh Elwyn's mind travelled back across the years, to the very beginning of his involved account with honour that account which he believed to be now straightened out. Jim Bellair had been Elwyn's friend first college friend and then favourite "pal."

It was close on eleven o'clock; the July night was airless, and the last of that season's great balls was taking place in Grosvenor Square. Mrs. Elwyn's brougham came to a sudden halt in Green Street. Encompassed behind and before with close, intricate traffic, the carriage swung stiffly on its old-fashioned springs, responding to every movement of the fretted horse.

Elwyn again spoke: "Perhaps I ought to add," she said hurriedly, "that I know one thing to Mrs. Bellair's credit. I am told that she is a most devoted and careful mother to that little boy of hers. I heard to-day that the child is seriously ill, and that she and the child's nurse are doing everything for him." Mrs. Elwyn's voice had softened, curiously.

It whistled down the course unerringly and struck in the exact center the best shot yet made. Now some shouted for Stutely and some shouted for Elwyn; but Elwyn's total mark was declared the better. Whereupon the King turned to the Queen. "What say you now?" quoth he in some triumph. "Two out of the three first rounds have gone to my men.

This was the first time since her widowhood that she and her son had dined out together; but then the occasion was a very special one they had been to dinner with the family of Elwyn's fiancée, Winifred Fanshawe. Hugh Elwyn turned and looked at his mother.

Pope, in the Darkness mining like a Mole, Forged on Himself, as from Himself he stole, And what for Caryll once he feigned to feel, Transferred, in Letters never sent, to Steele! Still he denied the Letters he had writ, And still mistook Indecency for Wit. His very Grammar, so De Quincey cries, "Detains the Reader, and at times defies!" Elwyn's Pope, ii. 15.