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We are all aware that the girl who is to be your future wife is in England, but think you that Eleen would urge you because of that to make the sacrifice that your acceptance of the Burrough Road professorship demands? No. She would say: 'We are young. We can wait. Stay with your father and mother a while it will be best."

She threw her arms around Carl's neck, and the next moment he was supporting her unconscious form, for she had fainted. The bishop recovering from his astonishment assisted Carl in placing her upon a sofa, and an instant later Eleen, the daughter, was at her side.

No presents were accepted. Bishop McLaren and Eleen crossed the ocean for the occasion, and a warm welcome was given them by the great circle of friends. Tom was Edward's best man, and Eleen was Alice's bridesmaid. The great choir sang the grand old "Marriage Jubilate," and the two bishops made them one.

As soon as Eleen learned this her woman's sagacity told her what the decision would be. She had her brother's confidence, young as she was, and he had shown her Alice's photograph. She was correct in her conclusions. It was not many days before he made known his determination to return to the Monastery and finish his studies. This would only take two years.

'How's all th' folks? says I. 'All well, thank ye kindly, he says. 'save an' except th' wife an' little Eleen, he says. 'They're not so well, he says. 'But what can ye expect? They've had th' best iv health all th' year. 'It must be har-rd wurrukin' at th' mills this weather, I says. ''Tis war-rum, he says; 'but ye can't look f'r snow-storms this time iv th' year, he says.

Edward and Alice accompanied the Bishop and Eleen to Durham, making this their bridal trip, returning by way of London, being absent two months. Upon their return there was no choice left them but to live with Alice's parents, at the Bishop's residence, which was a joy to the parental hearts as well as a great pleasure to the newly-married couple.

Bishop Albertson has blotted it all out and loves me more dearly than ever, and gives me, as before, his full confidence. But all this was not sufficient to give me peace, and I have crossed the sea to confess to you my sin against you, and ask your pardon." The mother's arms were around his neck, the father's hands were upon his head, and Eleen held his hands in her own.

Tom and Eleen had met at McLaren's wedding, and it did not take long for the old, old story to find a place in their lives. Of course anyone from America who was acquainted with their son was welcomed by the bishop and his wife. But knowing the intimate relations existing between these two, Tom was made doubly welcome. Besides this, Tom had developed into a splendid man in both body and mind.