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In Canada this adjustment, though never-ending, perhaps reached its climax in the eighties, when question after question as to the rights of the provinces came up for discussion. We are apt to forget how recent a development the modern federal state is.

Ulterior aims are not abandoned, but they are not at present within reach. . . The revolutionists of the seventies and the eighties did not succeed in creating among the peasantry or the town workmen anything which had even the appearance of a force capable of struggling with the Government; and the revolutionists of the future will have no greater success until they have obtained such political rights as personal inviolability.

This was the "Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada," which was set up in 1881. It is easy to understand why the unions of the early eighties did not feel the need of a federation on economic lines.

The Ottawa of the "eighties" was an attractive little place, and Ottawa Society was very pleasant. There was then a note of unaffected simplicity about everything that was most engaging, and the people were perfectly natural and free from pretence.

Grandmother on Mother's Side "My grandmother was named Hannah Goodman. These were different Goodmans but they were kin to these others. There was a large family of them. I don't know the correct age of my grandmother but she was up in the eighties when she died. Mother "My mother was born a Goodman, but she married Reeves, my father. The record of their marriage I ain't got.

I shall love his wife as if she were my daughter but but it seems to me at this minute as if I could not bear it!" The grey twilight, entering through the high window above her head, enveloped her as tenderly as if it were the atmosphere of those romantic early eighties to which she belonged.

From her point of view, whatever game he chose to play would be a losing one. She was genuinely surprised to learn how eager she was for the game to begin so that she might gage his strength. "So I have heard," she was dimly conscious of saying. "Didn't know you knew," said Abbott. "Knew what?" rousing herself. "That Courtlandt nearly lost his life in the eighties."

According to a story current in the Midlands, a house in Birmingham, near the Roman Catholic Cathedral, was once very badly haunted. A family who took up their abode in it in the 'eighties complained of hearing all sorts of uncanny sounds such as screams and sighs coming from a room behind the kitchen.

That was just at the period in the eighties when people were beginning to talk and write of non-resistance, of the right to judge, to punish, to make war; when some people in our set were beginning to do without servants, to retire into the country, to work on the land, and to renounce animal food and carnal love.

A great opportunity was lost when the negotiations failed early in the eighties, because ever since Canada has been tightening her commercial ties with Great Britain; and these ties will be still further tightened as Canada grows into a large grain-exporting country.