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The cross on top of the globe and spire surmounting this dome is 323 feet above the pavement. Leaving Eglise des Invalids from the southern entrance, which leads to the tomb of Napoleon I., a spectacle presents itself to the beholder in the form of a grand fountain throwing its water high into the air. It is at The Artesian Well of Grenelle.

De ce côté, près de la pointe de l'angle, est la belle église de Saint-George, qui a, en face de la Turquie, [Footnote: Il s'agit ici de la Turquie d'Asie. On n'avoit point encore donné ce nom aux provinces que les Turcs possedoient en Europe.] une tour

As far as 1112 the cathedral possessed several manuscripts, which were destroyed in the fire of 1200. A great portion of the books of the cathedral are now deposited in the public library at the town-hall. There are twenty five chapels in the circumference of the Cathedral. The most spacious, and the first to the right on entering, is that of Saint-Stephen, la grande eglise.

The Political Character of Roman Christianity. The Roman Catholic "Histoire del' Église Chrétienne" shows the political character of the missionary movement in Japan, a character almost inextricably associated with the papal and other political Christianity of the times, when State and Church were united in all the countries of Europe, both Catholic and Protestant.

Annoying, but I suppose one can't expect Generals to tell you where they are going to stand. We reached Neuve Eglise in time, and went into our old billets. We all thought our fate was "back into those old Plugstreet trenches again," but mirabile dictu it was not to be so. The second day in billets I received a message from the Colonel to proceed to his headquarter farm.

This remarkable mausoleum was executed in 1502-07, after designs of Jehan Perréal, by Michel Colomb and his pupils, Regnault and Jean de Chartres, with the assistance of Jérôme de Fiesole, who contributed the ornamental portion. It fortunately escaped demolition at the Revolution, and was brought hither and placed in the south transept from the Eglise des Carmes in 1817.

The tomb, which is one of the masterpieces of that good artist, Michel Colombe, was brought here from the old Église des Carmes which was pillaged and burned during the Revolution. Although we reached Angers only in time for a very late dinner, we were inclined to wander again to-night.

'Non, said he simply; 'c'est une eglise ideale. The relievo was his favourite performance, and very justly so. The angels at the door, he owned, he would like to destroy and replace. 'Ils n'ont pas de vie, ils manquent de vie.

When I saw in Baedeker that "en face de cette eglise une tour de 1494, qui a un beau campanile en fer," my mind turned at once to that horrible iron spire at Rouen, and I felt disposed to look at the pavement when approaching the church. However, it is not modern, and not hideous; it is quite the reverse, a study in fine ironwork.