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The parents of little Mayer Anselm set him apart for the synagogue he was so clever at reciting prayers and so glib with responses. Then he had an eczema for management, and took charge of all the games when the children played Hebrew I-Spy through the hallways and dark corners of the big, rambling and mysterious "Red Shield."

You've got a certain species of eczema, and you flatter yourself that no one but you and Prince are aware of it. What have you got to say now, Miss Barlow? But Ella Barlow had fainted. When she came to, which I managed after vigorous application of salts and water the effects of the latter on her complexion I leave you to imagine I again broached the subject.

One other affection of the skin, very common, very distressing, very tedious, of which there are many varieties, generally known by the technical name of eczema, from a compound Greek word which signifies to flow, needs that I should say something about it.

Examples: To plaster medicated oils or ointments all over the skin of a dog suffering from constitutional eczema is about as sensible as would be the painting white of the yellow skin in jaundice in order to cure the disordered liver. But even those contagious diseases that are caused by skin germs or animalcules will not be wholly cured by any applications whatever.

Miss Carew seemed to have grown so futile, so incoherent and funny, unlike the Miss Carew who had been her finishing governess not many years ago. The sight of Carey's troubled, mottled face began to irritate Molly to an unbearable degree. "Why not have a treatment for eczema and have done with it? You used to have quite a clear skin," she cried, in brutal irritation one morning.

No order was observed, ailments of all kinds were jumbled together; it seemed like the clearing of some inferno where the most monstrous maladies, the rare and awful cases which provoke a shudder, had been gathered together. Eczema, roseola, elephantiasis, presented a long array of doleful victims.

These cases are less hopeful than others, and the liability to the attacks ceases only when the skin-affection has been completely cured; a reason this for not neglecting eczema in infancy and early childhood.

In psoriasis it is a fairly good remedy, but inferior to crysarobin in P. inveterata. It is useful also locally in rheumatic affections as a resolvent and anodyne, in acne, and as a parasiticide. The most remarkable effects, however, were met with in eczema, which was cured in a surprisingly short time.

There was some sort of inflammation of the skin apparently" he consulted a page of his note-book "which might have been eczema or something similar, of course, but which according to medical evidence had no apparent connection with the cause of his death.

Eczema may involve the skin covered by the mane and tail in animals that are not properly groomed and inclined to rub or scratch. Cattle may suffer from eczematous inflammations in the region of the forehead, back of neck and base of tail. A very common form of the disease involves the space between the toes. Sheep frequently suffer from inflammation of the skin over the fetlock region.