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And to all the human rush and swirl below, the quiet of the Abbey and the infinite red distances of sky gave a peculiar pathos and significance. Robert filled his eye and sense, and then walked quickly away toward the Embankment. Carrying the poetry and grandeur of England's past with him, he turned his face east-ward to the great new-made London on the other side of St.

Peter was on his way to the mystery of the bundle he had found in the jackpines. At the foot of the ridge, where the green plain fought with the blighting edge of the Stew-Kettle, he stood for many minutes before he started east-ward.

They had mounted a high hill and stopped for breath at its summit. The country over which they were to travel was spread out for their inspection. Down there in the valley the river choosing its leisurely course northward to the Seine, and beyond it the harlequin checkerboard of vine and meadow, the sentinel poplars, and to the east-ward the blue hills that sheltered Ivry-la-Bataille.

For two days Columbus stood to the east-ward, but was met by a head-wind which prevented him from making much progress.

The dynasty, as thus re-established by Kwang-wuti, is known as that of the Eastern Hans; for this reason: just as late in the days of the Roman empire, Diocletian was stirred by cyclic flowing east-ward to move his capital from Rome to Nicomedia, Constantine changed it afterwards to Byzantium, so was Han Kwang-wuti to move his from Changan in Shensi, in the west, eastward to Loyang or Honanfu, the old Chow capital, in Honan.

Departing from Baraconda on the morning of the 4th, we reached in a few hours Medina, the capital of the King of Woolli's dominions, from whom the reader way recollect I received an hospitable reception in the beginning of December 1795, in my journey east-ward. I immediately inquired concerning the health of my good old benefactor, and learnt with great concern that he was dangerously ill.

With the wind northwest, the storm center was surely to the north and east-ward of him; and he knew that, according to the laws of storms in the North Atlantic, it would move away from him and out to sea. And so it continued until about midnight, when he heard the rasping of the companion hood, then saw Florrie's face peering out. He sprang to the companion. "Billie!

Fritz, if you were my husband, and if you went away for six years?" "There are women and women, Doome, Fräulein Doome," "Ah! hark!" At this moment the sound of a cannon-shot swept over the little cottage, and Daniel, running to the window, and putting his hand out to feel the breeze, declared that it was fired east-ward.

I was walking in a meadow, the source of a small brook, when the sun at last, just before setting, after a cold, gray day, reached a clear stratum in the horizon, and the softest, brightest morning sunlight fell on the dry grass and on the stems of the trees in the opposite horizon and on the leaves of the shrub oaks on the hillside, while our shadows stretched long over the meadow east-ward, as if we were the only motes in its beams.

On the next day, however, he became more tractable, and before reaching Berberah he showed himself, in consequence of some old blood feud, more anxious even than ourselves to avoid villages. Remounting, under the guidance of the Donkey, we resumed our east-ward course.