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Foreign materials are, upon this account, sometimes allowed to be imported duty-free; spanish wool, for example, flax, and raw linen yarn. The exportation of the materials of home produce, and of those which are the particular produce of our colonies, has sometimes been prohibited, and sometimes subjected to higher duties. The exportation of English wool has been prohibited.

It is admitted duty-free. Well, but the second plough, or the second loom, or the second steam-engine, arrives. It must pay a prohibitive duty. It is not a new machine. You can make as many as you please from the one already introduced, says Antonelli. But who is to make them?

Of these imports about 65 per cent, or, roughly, $2,900,000,000, came in free of duty, which means that the United States affords a duty-free market to other countries almost equal in value to the total imports of Germany and greatly exceeding the total imports of France. We have admitted a greater volume of free imports than any other country except England.

After sketching the uses of whale oil, its economic position and its history, he took up the particular problem facing the people of Nantucket, perhaps the foremost whalers in America. As long as they had been subjects of the British Empire they had been able to sell their oil duty-free in England. Now as aliens they must pay the same tariff charged other foreign traders.

He traded largely in ships of his own, freighted with his own goods; and though, according to sound modern economics, this was anything but an aid to commerce, seeing that no private merchant could compete with a royal trader who went out and came in duty-free, yet certainly the mere companionship and association in risk and gain, and the common conversation that it made between the affable monarch and the homeliest trader, served to increase his popularity, and to couple it with respect for practical sense.

One little incident, which happened -I think at Vera Cruz, rather amused us. When the Government is hard-up, a favourite way of raising ready money is to sell of course at a very low price orders upon the Custom-house, to pass certain quantities of goods, duty-free.

It is the best and heaviest pieces that are commonly either melted down or exported, because it is upon such that the largest profits are made. The law for the encouragement of the coinage, by rendering it duty-free, was first enacted during the reign of Charles II. for a limited time, and afterwards continued, by different prolongations, till 1769, when it was rendered perpetual.

All of them already enjoy, to varying degrees, unfettered, largely duty-free, access to the EU. To belong, a few like Estonia would have to dismantle a much admired edifice of economic liberalism. Most of them would have to erect barriers to trade and the free movement of labor and capital where none existed.

Mekka: at present, few merchants trust their property to the hazards of a passage across the Desert; they rather forego the advantage of importing them into Mekka duty-free, the great privilege possessed by the caravans, and carry them by sea to Djidda, on which road all the hadjys of Africa and Turkey pay a double duty; once in Egypt, and again at Djidda both duties are received by Mohammed Aly.

All of them already enjoy, to varying degrees, unfettered, largely duty-free, access to the EU. To belong, a few like Estonia would have to dismantle a much admired edifice of economic liberalism. Most of them would have to erect barriers to trade and the free movement of labor and capital where none existed.