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Sunday afternoon at Saint Dominic's was usually spent by the boys in fine weather, in strolling about in the gardens, or rambling into the woods by the banks of the Shar. This afternoon, however, was somewhat overcast, and a good many of the boys consequently preferred staying indoors to running the risk of spoiling their best hats in a shower.

Only a poor fisherman repeated the sad tidings as he trudged, first to Colomberie Farm and then to Orvillière, where Dominic's aunt kept house in state while her graceless nephew was away. No Messieurs of distinguished Torteval families were honoured bearers, but a good man and a bad man had carried her coffin to the dark place of burial.

Of all the young gentlemen whose privilege it had been to make the acquaintance of Mr Cripps and there were a good many he professed the greatest esteem and admiration for Loman, of Saint Dominic's school, to whom he had been only recently introduced.

And so the diary went on, in a strain highly offensive to the Sixth and equally delighting to the lower forms. After this the Sixth withdrew, not caring to face further taunts of the kind, and leaving a free field to the rest of Saint Dominic's, who perused this wonderful broadside to the end with unflagging interest.

Very likely that fight of his with Loman yesterday would be recorded as long as Saint Dominic's remained, as the event which saved the lower school from the tyranny of the upper!

He had found out a mistake in his examiners. "`Daughter, the paper said, should be `son' of course. Funny for Dr Senior to make such a slip," thought he. "Question 3. History and Geography. Who built England? and state the latitude and longitude of Saint Dominic's, and the boundaries of Gusset Weir." "However am I to know?" murmured Stephen, in despair. "I was never here before in my life.

"Jolly for the Sixth!" retorted the other; whereupon Stephen laughed, and had his ears boxed for being cheeky. The Fourth Senior could not stand "cheek." But Saint Dominic's generally was "sweet" on the Fifth, and hoped they would win. When, therefore, Tom Senior and Bullinger went in first and began to score there was great rejoicing.

Then, as if his penitence were not yet complete, Pembury went on boldly farther on: "Speaking of Greenfield senior, it is time some of us who have been doing him injustice for a whole term did what little we could to make amends now. So here goes. Take notice, all of you, that we, the undersigned, are heartily ashamed of our conduct to Greenfield senior, and desire all Saint Dominic's to know it.

The match was, in fact whatever it was formally styled a match between the Sixth and the Fifth, and the partisans of either side looked upon it as a decisive event in the respective glories of the two top forms. And now the day had come. All Saint Dominic's trooped out to the meadows, and there was a rush of small boys as usual for the front benches.

As it was, the monitors insisted that they should go up on the left and come down on the right. It was intolerable tyranny! And but for the monitors their comb-and-paper musical society might give daily recitals in the top corridor and so delight all Saint Dominic's. What right had the monitors to forbid the performance and confiscate the combs? Was it to be endured?