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Well, we'll diplome with him until bed-time, if he cares to stay. I'm getting rather accustomed to the nobility. They are not so bad, after all. Friendly and all that Ah, good evening, your excellency! We are honored." The Count had entered the room and was advancing toward the couch, tall, easy and the personification of cordiality. "I could not retire until I had satisfied myself as to Mr.

'En me reservant de vous transmettre votre diplome aussitot que la Grande Maitrise de l'Ordre de St Maurice me l'aura fait parvenir, je vous prie d'agreer, Milord, les assurances de ma consideration tres distinguee. Commandant le Vaisseau Anglais 'Vengeance, &c. &c. Despatch from Vice-Admiral Sir William Parker, commanding the Mediterranean Fleet, to Lord Hardwicke.

To begin with, the transformation of historical instruction in the Faculties has brought about a corresponding transformation at the École normale supérieure. The École normale has also, for two years, been awarding a "Diplôme d'études"; original researches, pedagogic exercises, and general culture are encouraged there in the same degree as by the new Faculties.

The red cap no longer "rears its hideous front" by day, but is modestly converted into a night-cap; and the bearer of a diplome de Jacobin, instead of swinging along, to the annoyance of all the passengers he meets, paces soberly with a diminished height, and an air not unlike what in England we call sneaking.

* Le diplome de Jacobin etait une espece d'amulette, dont les inities etaient jaloux, et qui frappoit de prestiges ceux qui ne l'etaient pas "The Jacobin diploma was a kind of amulet, which the initiated were jealous of preserving, and which struck as it were with witchcraft, those who were not of the number." Rapport de Courtois sur les Papiers de Robespierre.

Let it suffice to say that the Faculties now confer a new diploma, the Diplôme d'études supérieures, which all the students have a right to seek, but which the candidates for agrégation are obliged to obtain.

The red cap no longer "rears its hideous front" by day, but is modestly converted into a night-cap; and the bearer of a diplome de Jacobin, instead of swinging along, to the annoyance of all the passengers he meets, paces soberly with a diminished height, and an air not unlike what in England we call sneaking.

* Le diplome de Jacobin etait une espece d'amulette, dont les inities etaient jaloux, et qui frappoit de prestiges ceux qui ne l'etaient pas "The Jacobin diploma was a kind of amulet, which the initiated were jealous of preserving, and which struck as it were with witchcraft, those who were not of the number." Rapport de Courtois sur les Papiers de Robespierre.