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[Footnote 6: So heartily did the Germans receive the Sentimental Journey that it was felt ere long to be almost a German book. The author ofUeber die schönen Geister und Dichter des 18ten Jahrhunderts vornehmlich unter den Deutschen,” by J.

"Die sind besser als die Deutschen They're better than the Germans...." But the theatre orderly interrupted us and asked us to "send two or three across." I went to the Prep. to see if there were any new arrivals. It was full once again and the wounded were streaming into the station. It was quite dark outside. The duckboards were lit up by rows of hurricane lamps.

Quoted in Janssen, Ein Zweites Wort an meine Kritiker 1883, p. 94. Geschichte des Deutschen Volkes, vol. ii. p. 115. Quoted in Janssen, bk. ii. 162. In accordance with the conventional view the Reichstag at Worms was a landmark in the history of the Reformation. This is, however, only true as regards the political side of the movement.

Her person and property are inviolate. "Given At Our Headquarters at Metz "Friedrich Wilhelm "Kronprinz des "Deutschen Reiches." Across the signature was the impress of a green stamp, lozenge-shaped, inscribed "Headquarters of the Fifth Army, General Staff, 21st September, 1914." On the back of the slip was a detailed description of Nur-el-Din.

W. Arnold, in his Wanderungen und Ansiedelungen der deutschen Stamme, p. 431, even maintains that one-half of the now arable area in middle Germany must have been reclaimed from the sixth to the ninth century. Leo and Botta, Histoire d'Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i., p. 37.

The individual German can and does commit every sort of wrong, just as other individuals do in other countries, and he gets punished for them with tremendous harshness; Kloster says with unfairness. But directly he is in the plural and becomes Wir Deutschen, as they are forever saying, his crimes become virtues. As a body he purifies, he has a purging quality.

Compare R.F. Kaindl, Die Deutschen in den Karpathenländern, i. 178, 293; ii. 304; he does not, however, deal with the actual plans. I have to thank the late Sir Alfred Lyall for a sight of a survey made by English engineers in 1839. But in growing, the old town-planning has passed into a new stage. The Romans dealt with small areas, seldom more than three hundred acres and often very much less.

The Merkes excavations occasionally show streets meeting at right angles and at least one roughly rectangular insula, of 150 x 333 ft. But the adjoining house-blocks agree neither in size nor shape, and no hint seems to have yet come to light of a true chess-board pattern. Mitteilungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 42, Dec. 1909, pp. 7, 19; 44, Dec. 1910, p. 26.

Many additional sources are in G. Thomas, Capitolare dei Visdomini del Fontego dei Todechi . A valuable article on the same subject is W. Heyd, "Das Haus der deutschen Kaufleute in Venedig," in Historische Zeitschrift, XXXII., 193-220. More modern works are A. La Jonquiere, Histoire de L'Empire Ottoman ; and G. F. Herzberg, Geschichte des Bysantischen und des Osmanischen Reiches .

A bulky literature, dealing with this formerly much neglected subject, is now growing in Germany. Keller's works, Ein Apostel der Wiedertaufer and Geschichte der Wiedertaufer, Cornelius's Geschichte des munsterischen Aufruhrs, and Janssen's Geschichte des deutschen Volkes may be named as the leading sources.