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They were taken from a tomb carved in solid rock at Pinara, and include the frieze, upon which warriors are carved leading captives, the walls representing a walled city, and the Gorgons' heads which decorated the extremities of the dentals.

We had two resplendent staff officers, armed to the teeth, who galloped ahead, we had two superior non-coms., also armed to the dentals, galloping behind, while on the box sat a man with gun, pistols, sword, dagger and a bottle of wine and water which we passed round whenever the Sirdar became hoarse.

Aheer is also called Azben, and its district Azbenouwa ‮ازبنوة‬ ‮ازبن‬ which appear to have been the more ancient names. The town of Aheer is also called Asouty, ‮اسوطي‬ on the maps Asouda, the dentals ‮ط‬ and ‮د‬ being convertible.

After supper the little piece was discussed. Madame Vestri played the principal part, which she was prevailed upon to recite. "Your elocution is admirable, and your expression full of spirit," I observed; "but what a pity it is that you do not pronounce the dentals." The whole table scouted my opinion. "It's a beauty, not a defect," said they.

I scarcely noted how the other teachers went to work; I had my own business to mind; and my task was not the least onerous, being to imbue some ninety sets of brains with a due tincture of what they considered a most complicated and difficult science, that of the English language; and to drill ninety tongues in what, for them, was an almost impossible pronunciation the lisping and hissing dentals of the Isles.

After supper the little piece was discussed. Madame Vestri played the principal part, which she was prevailed upon to recite. "Your elocution is admirable, and your expression full of spirit," I observed; "but what a pity it is that you do not pronounce the dentals." The whole table scouted my opinion. "It's a beauty, not a defect," said they.

From the high value ascribed to dentals throughout the archipelago of Mardi, and also from their convenient size, they are circulated as money; strings of teeth being regarded by these people very much as belts of wampum among the Winnebagoes of the North; or cowries, among the Bengalese.

He chooses his words with measured caution. He is what is known as a smooth talker. The torpedo talker is of the rapid fire explosive variety. He bursts into a conversation. He scatters labials, dentals, and gutturals in all directions. He is a war-time talker, boom, burst, bang, roar, crash, thud! He fills the air with vocal bullets and syllabic shrapnel.

His great resource the rest of the evening was standing in the library, carrying on animated conversations with one and another in much the same way. Polly had initiated him in the mysteries of a discovery of mine, that it is not necessary to finish your sentence in a crowd, but by a sort of mumble, omitting sibilants and dentals.

Her pride was affronted; and yet it was not as if an inferior had rebuked her. He picked up his hat, a frightful confection of tan and yellow straw, and the textbook out of which she had learned in heaven's name, why? the facts that "el" and "al" are assimilated before dentals, and that "elli" is omitted after general substantives.