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"Ah, you dare to defame him!" cried the young maiden, trembling with anger. "You have, therefore, never seen him; you have never read in his noble face that Count Alexis Orloff can never betray. He is a hero, and a hero never descends to a murder!

Those Baptists, who it seems were in the plot with Hicks to defame at any rate, right or wrong, the people called Quakers, taking advantage of the absence of William Penn and George Whitehead, who were the persons most immediately concerned, and who were then gone a long journey on the service of truth, to be absent from the city, in all probability, for a considerable time, appointed a public meeting in one of their meeting-houses, under pretence of calling Thomas Hicks to account and hearing the charge made good against him, but with design to give the greater stroke to the Quakers, when they, who should make good the charge against Hicks, could not be present.

There were some who had exerted themselves to defame and injure the President, with a view to their own private interests.

Your Ingermans and your Elkins, and the rest of the busybodies gathered at the inn, may defame him as they choose, or as they dare. As for me, I am his loyal comrade, and shall remain so after next Wednesday, or a score of Wednesdays. I am going in now, Mr. Siddle, and shall be engaged during the remainder of the evening.

So Sir Tristram made great moan and was ashamed that noble knights should defame him for the sake of his lady. And in this meanwhile La Beale Isoud made a letter unto Queen Guenever, complaining her of the untruth of Sir Tristram, and how he had wedded the king's daughter of Brittany.

Enter this house again, repeat your infamous lie, and you shall rot in Chesholm jail! I spared you then for your sister's sake for the name you bear and disgrace but come here again and defame my wife, and I'll transport you though you were my brother. Now go, and never come back." He walked to the door and flung it wide.

"Your highness," called out the count hastily, "would you defame my father even in his grave?" "Have I pronounced your father's name?" asked the Elector, with dignity. "Is it not rather you who asperse your late father's fame by referring to him what I said with regard to bribery?" The count cast down his eyes and was silent.

Is this practicable? Besides, to spare Albert is to defame Noel; it is to assure impunity to the most odious of crimes. In short, it is still sacrificing justice to my feelings." The magistrate suffered greatly. How choose a path in the midst of so many perplexities!

"If I had but two loaves of bread, I'd sell one of them and buy white hyacinths to feed my soul" that was said by a man who loved this world, no less than the next. Do not defame this world she is the mother that feeds you, and she supplies you not only bread, but white hyacinths to feed your soul.

When he had well beaten him, he said: Art not thou ashamed, thou that art so tender and delicate a child, to desire the violation of honest marriages, and to defame thy selfe with wicked living, whereby thou hast gotten the name of an Adulterer? After he had spoken these and like words, he whipped him againe, and chased him out of his house.