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"I understood that you were to be alone," he remarked, addressing Jethro with an attempted severity of manner. "Didn't say so d-didn't say so, did I?" answered Jethro. "Very well," said Mr. Worthington, "any other time will do for this little matter." "Er good night," said Jethro, shortly, and there was the suspicion of a gleam in his eye as Mr. Worthington turned away.

Several times I saw boats on the lake and tried to get their attention, but c-couldn't. D-Didn't I feel happy when I saw you coming toward me! And when I knew who it was, I felt as if I were at home again m-milking the cows or up on old B-Bull Meadow shooting fifty-two pigeons at a clip. Have you heard anything from Davy Fiske?"

At this apparition, at this awful thought for never in the history of man had Nora, the head waitress, been known to smile the heart of Sam stopped forthwith in his bosom. "I-I-I-I b-b-beg your I-I d-didn't know you was there," he stammered in abject perturbation. Nora sniffed. "I should think you might of knowed it," said she.

"I d-didn't want y-y-you to think my p-people couldn't afford to to " he stammered in a low voice. "Oh, what an idiot you are! My father was always calling me an idiot, but if he'd known you! My goodness he said I was a double-distilled one! Whatever are you?" "There you are, you see," he grumbled. "But, Louis, whatever does it matter?

Did they tell you about it?" "Yes," said Jethro, "they told me about it." "And how about Grant? What did he say to you?" "W-well, I went up there and sent in my card. D-didn't have to wait a great while, as I was pretty early, and soon he came in, smokin' a black cigar, head bent forward a little.

"I understood that you were to be alone," he remarked, addressing Jethro with an attempted severity of manner. "Didn't say so d-didn't say so, did I?" answered Jethro. "Very well," said Mr. Worthington, "any other time will do for this little matter." "Er good night," said Jethro, shortly, and there was the suspicion of a gleam in his eye as Mr. Worthington turned away.