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"Oh, massa, p'r'aps dey're a-goin' to kill you!" was the negro's comforting suggestion. "More likely they want him to cure the Queen," said Hockins. "Couldn't you, massa," whispered Ebony, with a terribly solemn countenance, "mix a spoonful a bery small spoonful ob prussic acid, or creosote, or suffin ob dat sort, wid 'er physic?" Mark laughed, and shook his head as he went out.

A factory which distilled a good standard tar for roofing paper recovered, besides benzole and naphtha, also about ten per cent. of creosote oil, used for one hundred parts raw paper, 176.4 partially distilled tar. Experiments on a larger as well as a smaller scale reduced this quantity to an average of 141.5 parts for one hundred parts raw paper.

They also form a part of the aegyptiacum of the farrier. There are many better drugs to accomplish the same purpose. 'Creosote' is seldom used for the dog. We have applications quite as good and less dangerous. It may be employed as a very gentle excitant and antiseptic. 'Digitalis' is an exceedingly valuable drug.

Here and there, stunted trees, the cedar and pinon, hang horizontally out, clinging along the cliffs. The unsightly limbs of the cactus, and the gloomy foliage of the creosote bush, grow together in seams of the rocks, heightening their character of ruggedness and gloom. Such is the southern barrier of the valley. Look upon the northern sierra! Here is a contrast, a new geology.

Beyond the airport they saw the barren mountains of the Charleston Range, and behind the motels clustered around the airport, they saw flat desert, thinly populated with mesquite and creosote brush. "Welcome to the wild West," Rick said with a grin. "Not a cowboy in sight," Scotty commented. "Plenty of dudes, though." He gestured at a group dressed in loud sports clothes. "What now?"

It was a fact that some deserts were sandy, but this one was composed of hard-packed earth and stones in which plants struggled for survival. It was more like smooth clay. Then, as the desert rose from smooth plain to mountains, the ground became simply broken rock, sparsely dotted with creosote bush and cholla. Once or twice he turned and looked back at the road over which they had come.

The same remedy answers when any form of copper, or tin, or zinc poison is taken, and also for creosote. Lead and its compounds require a dilution of Epsom or Glauber salts, or some strong, acid drink, as lemon or tomatoes. Nitrate of Silver demands salt water drank till vomiting occurs. Alcohol, in dangerous quantities, demands vomiting with warm water.

There was a soft yet cool wind from the south, bringing the fragrance of creosote blossoms, and it seemed to the girl that never had she seen such white floods of moonlight, not even that night a year ago at Valley House. Even the sky was milk-white. There were no black shadows anywhere, only dove-gray ones, except under the veranda roof.

Even the smell of a Nevian a malodorous reek of over-ripe fish does in time become tolerable, especially if sufficiently disguised with creosote, which purely Terrestrial chemical is the most highly prized perfume of Nevia. But the head! It is that member that makes the Nevian so appalling to earthly eyes, for it is a thing utterly foreign to all Solarian history or experience.

Cañons running east and west will have one wall naked and one clothed. Around dry lakes and marshes the herbage preserves a set and orderly arrangement. Most species have well-defined areas of growth, the best index the voiceless land can give the traveler of his whereabouts. If you have any doubt about it, know that the desert begins with the creosote.