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The Self-create Brahma himself, if desirous of slaying it, cannot annihilate it. Having given up all hopes of a city, Yudhishthira craveth only five villages, affrighted, O lord, at the army I have assembled and at my power. The belief thou entertainest in the prowess of Vrikodara, the son of Kunti, is unfounded. O Bharata, thou knowest not the extent of my prowess.

I will say more, a reward awaits him, that will not only banish his poverty but save his life." "His life!" "Ay! seest thou not, fair mistress, that Adam Warner is dying, not of the body's hunger, but of the soul's? He craveth gold, that his toils may reap their guerdon. If that gold be denied, his toils will fret him to the grave!" "Alas! alas! it is true." "That gold he shall honourably win!

When we behold the lovely maiden with her train, then, ye far-famed heroes, must ye tell but this single tale: that Gunther be my master and I his man; then what he craveth will come to pass." Full ready they were for whatever he bade them vow, nor because of pride did any one abstain. They promised what he would; wherefrom they all fared well, when King Gunther saw fair Brunhild.

And some places also, either for the lowenes, moistenes, or vncleanelinesse therof are plancked with boorde. The garmentes aswell of the menne, as the women, are large and longe, and open afore: that thei may the more honestlie and couertly hide all, when nature craveth to be eased.

I will say more, a reward awaits him, that will not only banish his poverty but save his life." "His life!" "Ay! seest thou not, fair mistress, that Adam Warner is dying, not of the body's hunger, but of the soul's? He craveth gold, that his toils may reap their guerdon. If that gold be denied, his toils will fret him to the grave!" "Alas! alas! it is true." "That gold he shall honourably win!

Protests have been voiced against Us from every sideprotests such as Our pen craveth pardon for setting down. Nevertheless, by reason of Our great mercy, We have replied unto them, in accordance with the understanding of men, that haply they may be delivered from the fire of negation and denial, and become illumined with the light of affirmation and acceptance.

'Thy tongue is longer, friend, said he; 'now tarry if thou wilt, and if the supper's service craveth thee not. She turned away with one keen look at Face-of-god, and departed through the door at the lower end of the hall. By this time the hall was dusk, for there were no candles there, and the hearth-fire was but smouldering.

He that laboureth laboureth for himself; for his mouth craveth it of him. An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire. A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends. A violent man enticeth his neighbour, and leadeth him into the way that is not good. He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass.

Every friend whom not thy fantastic will but the great and tender heart in thee craveth, shall lock thee in his embrace.

Then said the Friend: 'She shall have the token that she craveth, and it is I that shall give it to her. Therewith she took from her finger a ring wherein was set a very fair changeful mountain-stone, and gave it to him, and said: 'Thou shalt give her this and tell her whence thou hadst it; and tell her that I bid her remember that To-morrow is a new day.