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Ah! those were the names, madame 'Margota cum Turennio." Marguerite grew crimson. "Calumnies, sire!" cried she. "What calumnies?" replied he, with the most natural air possible. "Do you find any calumny in it? It is a passage from my brother's letter 'Margota cum Turennio conveniunt in castello nomine Loignac! Decidedly I must get this letter translated."

"Well, there was that word in the letter 'Margota cum Turennio, ambo nocentes, conveniunt in castello nomine Loignac. Mon Dieu! how I regret that my knowledge is not as great as my memory is good." "Ambo nocentes," repeated Marguerite, in a low voice, and turning very pale, "he understood it all." "Margota cum Turennio, ambo nocentes," repeated Henri.

'Tis indeed the only comfort I find in my old age, that it mortifies in me several cares and desires wherewith my life has been disturbed; the care how the world goes, the care of riches, of grandeur, of knowledge, of health, of myself. There are men who are learning to speak at a time when they should learn to be silent for ever. "Diversos diversa juvant; non omnibus annis Omnia conveniunt."

These men, armed only with a pole, which some of them are scarce able to lift, are to secure the persons and houses of his majesty's subjects from the attacks of gangs of young, bold, stout, desperate, and well-armed villains. Quae non viribus istis Munera conveniunt.

Adde huc, si placet, unguentarios, saltatores, totumque ludum talarium. Quibus autem artibus aut prudentia maior inest, aut non mediocris utilitas quaeritur, ut medicina, ut architectura, ut doctrina rerum honestarum, eae sunt iis, quorum ordini conveniunt, honestae.

These men, armed only with a pole, which some of them are scarce able to lift, are to secure the persons and houses of his majesty's subjects from the attacks of gangs of young, bold, stout, desperate, and well-armed villains. Quae non viribus istis Munera conveniunt.

SERMO: 'style of speaking'; a word of wider meaning than oratio, which only denotes public speaking. With the whole passage cf. Plin. Ep. 3, 1, 2 nam iuvenes confusa adhuc quaedam et quasi turbata non indecent; senibus placida omnia et ordinata conveniunt.

Adde huc, si placet, unguentarios, saltatores, totumque ludum talarium. Quibus autem artibus aut prudentia maior inest, aut non mediocris utilitas quaeritur, ut medicina, ut architectura, ut doctrina rerum honestarum, eae sunt iis, quorum ordini conveniunt, honestae.