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Now, you see, your cousin has a hundred thousand pounds; in fact something more than that." "What? Fanny! Poor Ballindine! So that's the way with him is it! When I was contradicting the rumour of his marriage with Fanny, I little thought that I was to be his rival! At any rate, I shall have to shoot him first."

Moreover, his absolute desertion by his friends, and the invectives and the lampoons with which the newspapers abounded, and of which he was the subject, rendered any concealment out of the question, and poor George passed his life in running about contradicting falsehoods, stating truth, fighting his cousin's battles, and then reporting to him, in the course of the day, the state of the campaign.

"Well, now, that's strange," replied Bradly, "to hear a man talk in that way in our days, when there's scarce a language in the known world that the Bible hasn't been turned into, so that all the wide world own it has been bringing light and peace into thousands of hearts and homes there's no contradicting that; and that's a strange sort of failure summat like old John Wrigley's failure that folks were talking about; he failed by dying worth just half a million."

It becomes us to be very cautious before we say to God, 'This is the way. Walk Thou in it, or dismiss any doctrine as untrue on the ground of its contradicting our instincts of justice. The friend of God has power with God. 'Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do? The divine Friend recognises the obligation of confidence. True friendship is frank, and cannot bear to hide its purposes.

We are almost drawn into the dispute ourselves, and are disposed to ventilate a score of outrageous paradoxes, for the mere satisfaction of contradicting such wiseacres. These heads are painted with a vivacity and an energy worthy of the Dutch great masters of the seventeenth century.

"I had no intention of contradicting you, Miss Merton." Her low, steady tones were full of repressed indignation. "What I had begun to say was that I did not know I was expected to return to the study hall after my last class. In the high school which I attended in B we went from our last class to our locker rooms. It is, of course, my fault. I should have inquired about it beforehand."

Piozzi, have been together on a party of pleasure to see the renowned Vallombrosa, and came home contradicting Milton, who says the devils lay bestrewn Thick as autumnal leaves in Vallombrosa: Whereas, say they, the trees are all evergreen in those woods.

What can you say to this heroic sharper disguised under the name of a patriot, when you find him to be nothing but a downright cheat, first taking money under the Company's name, then taking their securities to him for their own money, and afterwards entering a false account of them, contradicting that by another account? and God knows whether the third be true or false.

The poor child was near fainting, but bore up wonderfully notwithstanding, contradicting herself but seldom; and then only from lack of understanding the question, or from sheer fatigue. Mr. Fox was considerate, and Mr. Moffat interrupted but seldom.

Twenty centuries of experience shared by such intellects as Augustine, Luther, Pascal, Calvin, Newton, Chalmers, Edwards, Wesley and Spurgeon are not to be shaken by the assaults of men, who often contradict each other while contradicting God's truth. We have tested a supernaturally inspired Bible for ourselves. As my eloquent and much loved friend, Dr.