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By the indifferentistic Germans and Swedes of those days such ordinations were generally regarded as a favor and comity from the Episcopalians rather than a humiliation and denial on the part of the Lutherans. Dr.

'We must be up an' doin', he says. 'Hol' on there, says wan iv th' comity. 'There must be some mistake in this fr'm th' sixth precin't, he says. 'Where's the sixth precin't? says Clarence. 'Over be th' dumps, says Willie. 'I told me futman to see to that. He lives at th' corner iv Desplaines an Bloo Island Av'noo on Goose's Island, he says.

'The state', says Treitschke, 'is the highest thing in the external society of man: above it there is nothing at all in the history of the world. There is here no room for comity of nations; for a societas totius humani generis; for international law in any true sense. What really exists is the exclusive state der geschlossene Staat and in another sense than that of Fichte.

"Under what circumstances, or in what category, can a public armed ship compel a neutral to submit to being boarded not 'carried, Sir George, you will please to remark; for d me, if any man 'carries' the Montauk that is not strong enough to 'carry' her crew and cargo along with her! but in what category, now, is a packet like this I have the honour to command obliged, in comity, to heave-to and to submit to an examination at all?

The terms of peace depend enormously upon the answer to that question. If we take the extremest possibility, and suppose a revolution in Germany or in South Germany, and the replacement of the Hohenzollerns in all or part of Germany by a Republic, then I am convinced that for republican Germany there would be not simply forgiveness, but a warm welcome back to the comity of nations.

The only ground on which the American protest could be justified was by contending that the blacklist violated international comity. In other words, if it was not illegal there was no doubt of its legality it was an incivility.

"Should any of the Slave States think proper to terminate that Institution, as several of them, I understand, or at least some of their citizens propose, justice and a generous comity require that the Country should interpose to aid in lessening the burden, public and private, occasioned by so radical a change in its social and industrial relations.

Our power to do so is not disputed, but power and ships, without comity of relationship, will not give us the expanded trade which is inseparably linked with a great merchant marine.

Charitable souls come with their projects, and ask his cooperation. How can he hesitate? It is the rule of mere comity and courtesy to agree where you can, and to turn your sentence with something auspicious, and not freezing and sinister. But he is forced to say, "O, these things will be as they must be: what can you do?

And the re-incorporation of Britain, too, into the comity of nations is concurrent with the Latinization of its speech, on which the seal was set in 1611. Late as it was, then, in any case, in the prehistory of the region, the spread of a single type of linguistic structure over Europe has brought not peace, but a sword. What then of Religion?